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am Jan 2014
Just like that,
My heart fell into your hands.

Mid September,
Wild flowers bloomed
Deep within my soul.
The sun drowned in light,
The moon shone across the stars.

I finally realized
Why I walk on the street
Instead of the side walk
And why I stay up all night
Watching the stars
Instead of dreaming of the moon.
I loved how
You always finished my sentences,
And I love you t-

I counted all the stars
And I gave up
After 32.
I decided to dream of you
Instead of the moon.

His eyes lit up brighter than the galaxy
And I prayed that I was the only
Supernova in his eyes

Day becomes night
And the clouds are covering the stars.
The moon doesn't exist in my dreams

Where have you been, good friend?
Why have you left me here
With no warning?
Why are the flowers

He said he couldn't
Live without me
Yet somehow,
He's still breathing
And I'm drowning

You are in my heart
But I am not in yours

The wild flowers turned to weeds
As summer turned to fall.
Crept closer to me

Time stands still
As you stand in front of me
Telling me lies.
Don't finish my sentences
Because I still love y-

Don't tell me that you love me
Because I knew you never did.
Stop lying
And let me free.
The flowers that grew in my soul
Have turned to dead weeds,
Suffocating my heart.

I counted all the stars
And only found two.

Maybe it's true-
Some people were meant to fall in love,
But not meant to be together.

The weeds are tangled,
The moon escaped from my heart.
I counted all the stars that I could find,
And only found one.
Maybe I should just move on from you.
A collection of different parts of poems that I've wrote. Hope you enjoy.
am Dec 2016
My heart fell into his hands
That bright September morning

Wild flowers bloom in my chest
As he stares from across the room

I always loved how you always finished my sentences
(And I love you t-)

His eyes lit up brighter than the galaxy
And I shut my eyes tight
To prove to myself
I am the only supernova in his eyes

Day seemed to shift too quickly
Into night
Where the stars are masked by the
Impeding clouds

He left the lights on and the flowers unwatered

He said he could live without me
He's still breathing while I drown

You are in my heart
But I am not in yours

Weeds weaved in the crevice of my bones
2:31 stays by my side

Time no longer stands still when he looks over me
Whispering his perpetual love

He brings me flowers to prove the pain behind his smile is inexistent

How could I have fallen in love with a boy who
Could never have the capacity to love me, too

He tells me how much better I could be without him
Yet these last one thousand five hundred and eighty two days
All I crave is you
am Oct 2015
My eyes still wander in hope to see you in the hallow hallways
I stopped imagining you as the person I hoped you would be, and accepted the reality of who you are today. Part of me will always long for the beginning and remember who we used to be
I often go to our favorite places and I don't crave the memories anymore. I don't feel the heart ache anymore.
Attention from new people excites me and I feel an overwhelming confidence like never before. Luckily this experience has pushed me to finally discover who I've always wanted to be
I am at peace with your incapablilty to love me
You and I together in all did more destruction than good, and we are both better off continuing our lives on the separate paths we were meant to be on.
You will always hold a piece of my heart as my first everything.
Thank you for helping the girl who couldn't think straight half the time and was afraid of everything life had to offer, I appreciate that more than you know.
Our memories make me smile when they occasionally come up in conversation. There's no aching left behind my smile, just peace and pure happiness.
"The human skin replenishes itself every 27 days. My mind remembers you, my heart remembers you, but my skin has never met you"
am Feb 2014
Every day the clock slows down at 9
It is on that time that the birds chirp
They chirp such a melody in my ears
But I cannot hear I can only see
The world bow down where she is

His voice rings in my ears
When I hear the sound of the rain
He sails through my mind
Grasping hold and taking control
Of my heart

As the world rises from its feet
The birds silence when she looks up
Every bit of her is the opposite of every bit of me
Her face is like an infinite, unmatched

He calls my name over and over
His voice ignites through my veins.
Flowers bloom in my soul
And weave around my heart.
He whispers,
"Never let me go"

She glances my way setting me ablaze
No matter how bright I burn
She always burns brighter
And now she walks over to me
To put out the flame

He lights a match
And burns me from the inside out.
In the snowy Decembers he leaves me in the cold
And watches me burn

She once whispered in my ear,
"Forever and more"
And now if you look at me
You cast your glance far away;
I was once your favorite toy

He's waiting by the door
As I burn to pieces inside
He's cold
On the inside and out;
He was always waiting for a girl
Who didn't burn

Now to you I'm not even a teenage boy
And yet when I see you I still burn for you
But now I am left here with nobody to put me out

"I always loved you" she said
"You were always the fire in my rain," he said
*"But I could never love you too"
am Dec 2013
"Do you love me?" she asked.

It was a question I had worn on my lips for years;
Threads weaved in and out of my soul,
Easy pulled.
In your killing hesitation
I knew the answer.
You pulled the thread,
As tiny strings fell down,
Scattering on the floor.

Somehow I always knew
No one could ever love me.
I loved that **** boy as a friend
And as a lover.
But he never bothered to love me;
His heart beats
For another.

Please don't pretend
That everything is okay.
Do not grab my arm
Or try to hug me;
Do not even bother to look my way.
I know every **** song
That boy ever hummed
And every lyric
Remaining on his lips;
The closer I got
To reading to the lyrics
The further he stepped away.
Farther and farther

My not-so lover,
My not-so friend;
Please do not leave me
Standing alone.
My heart beats
For your innocent love.
Please look at me one more time
And fake the love,
Please whisper the soft lyrics
Into my ear.
Good bye my not-so lover
Good bye my not-so friend

I blew you a kiss
With the last breath I took.

am Feb 2014
"Do you love me?" She asked.

The burning question remains on my lips
He holds the tips of a string
Keeping my heart in place
How could he shatter it
Once again

A piece of my soul always hoped
That you would open up to find
Your love for me
I sat around and
Just waited
His heart
Still beats for another

You told me that you didn't
Love* her anymore
Yet you burn her lips
With your kiss
And fill her soul
With our music
She didn't even bother
To listen to the lyrics
Before she stole them
Right off of your lips.

My question has been answered
And our endless time together
Has come to an end.

You kissed my lips
And stole my heart

Part 2 to 'Do You Still Love Me?'
am Jul 2013
Similar to the leaves,
I eventually fall.
I fall to the ground and wither,
Eventually suffocating from the snow.
I have to escape on my own.
My limbs are frozen,
My heart turned numb.
Where are you?
I search and search,
Why can't I find you?
You're always out of reach
There's nobody left for me.
I have to escape on my own.
I need your help,
I need your guidance.
Only you can get my through.
I toss and turn,
As I slowly crumble.
As I will never accept
The pain that comes with bitterness.
Why can't I soar above the clouds,
And forget this cruel world?
Deep into the earths crust,
Shaking and withering.
I must find my way out
Out of this place I call home
Away from these people I call friends
Out of this life I call my own.
am Jun 2013
Suddenly years have gone by,
Yet so many thoughts.
So many thoughts
That I could never fathom.
I cannot control myself
I cannot contain my feelings.
Bottled up,
Millions of unsaid words
Thousands of untouchable,
Unreachable feelings.
And hundreds of distant friends.
My thoughts are scattered
Spread across many grey clouds
Soaring thousands of miles above my reach.
When will the rain fall
Making hundreds
Of tiny puddles?
Stepped on puddles,
Unwanted puddles.
The cycle must begin again
And again,
As the grey clouds collapse.
We gain more puddles
More thoughts
More feelings.
And millions of people
Trapped within the cycle of life.
I look for places
And things
And a life
That I've never even seen
Or heard of;
I am always searching.
So many people
Walk away.
Out of my sight,
Out of my life.
You are gone,
You are so distant
Of miles away.
You are within the clouds,
Swimming within my thoughts
Within my each and every emotion
You are far above my reach.
And still,
Many years have gone by.
Years fly by.
How much longer will I go on
Without revealing my love for you?
am Jun 2013
I whispered
I love you
Hundreds of times;
I screamed it
To the sky
Thousands of times;
And I told you
One million times;
It will always remain true.
I stand within the tears
That pour from the sky,
And kiss the floor
Of raindrops
Falling from the sky,
Falling from my eyes;
Tell me that the long nights
The long
Were completely worth it all.
Hundreds of meaningful nights.
I've come to realize
That I cannot live without you.
I cannot live without your essence
As you call my name thousands of times.
I've come to love the downpour of your tears
And the wrinkles as you smile.
Tell me that you'll never leave,
Tell me you are here.
Tell me one million times.
I love you
One hundreds different ways
As thousands of symphonies play
Counting across millions of stars.
So please tell me,
That you love me;
Because I love you endlessly.
am Nov 2016
how is someone able to discover the very depths of your soul when i can barely
dig on my own
how can i prove i am worth loving when i can't find the words to explain
how empty i feel in his absence
how do i tell him how radiant he shines when all i am able to do is stumble around
how i really feel
how am i able to look into
his eyes
as i feel the world pulling me in
when he does not feel the same
in return
am Apr 2014
I breathe you in
The sensation of your love creeped out of my veins and into the fog
Creating a whirlpool of secretion
I cleared a path
The fog hissed
Never leave me
Your breath begins to trace my neck
I am escaping as fast as I can, through the faded night sky.
I breathe you in and out
The fog is taking over my lungs
All I can think about was eyes
How always turned *
as soon as I said goodbye
Your lips stayed sealed as I reached out for your embrace

In the fullness of time I found a clear path out of the fog and into the light
"I should've left you years ago"

*I breathe you out.
I always loved your eyes, but it's time for me to look away
am Sep 2015
Forgiveness is a funny thing
It warms the heart
And cools the sting

—  *William Arthur Ward
am Aug 2013
On the warm July night,
He held me close, and refused to let me go.
He grabbed my waist,
Looked me right in the eyes,
And jumped into the darkness.
His smile never faded,
His eyes never left mine.
How I wish I knew
Exactly what he was thinking
On the warm July night.
He told me that I was most important,
He told me that he did not care about the others.
Just like that,
My heart fell into his hands
He loves me;

3 years
And 346 days have passed
Since I first looked into your eyes.
I crash and burn.
I am alone, as she is deep within his arms,
On this August night.
It is cold,
And I wish that you were here.
He is smiling at her,
Now holding her waist,
Looking into her eyes.
Where have you gone?
You have left me.
Have I crossed your mind,
On this cold August night?
He loves me not;

I picked all the petals
Off of each flower
And I still do not know
If he loves me
Or not.
am Aug 2013
I looked at him,
And he was so beautiful.
The way his eyes told me a story
The way his eyes told me the truth.

I looked at her,
And she was so beautiful.
The way her hair flicks of her shoulders,
The way her hair hid half of her insecure face.

As I looked at him,
I knew I needed him.
Every night.

As I looked at her,
I knew I wanted to be with her.
Every night.

I don't know what he thinks of me,
Or even what I think of myself.

I don't know what she thinks of me,
Or even what I think of myself.

All I do know is,
I love how he makes me feel.

All I do know is,
I love how she makes me feel.

But yet,
I am always sad
I am not with him,
And probably never will be.

But yet,
I am sometimes sad,
We are not together,
And probably never will be.
Maybe I should just tell you how I feel
am Aug 2013
Holding on
For years;
Through snowy Decembers,
Lights strung up
branch to branch,
Through awakened April's
tulips reaching skyward
Through smoggy Augusts
Blonde beauty's sunbathing in the grass
The leaf had seen it all
But in the blink of an eye
The tree became old
The roots became withered
As did the leafs grip on the branch
And a final autumn
Came to rest in the air
And the leaf began
Reminiscing of being green
And full of life again,
It continued to let go
And more,
Until one day,
the leaf fell from the tree.
And shriveled
And sailing
Through the breeze.
Once the leaf changed its color,
It did not go back.
The leaf will never be attached
To the branch ever again.
So there it stayed,
Lying on the ground
Tossing and turning,
For another eternity.
He seems happy
I should just let go
-A.M & S.G.
am Sep 2015
His calm, cool kiss awakens me each August morning
Does he love me?
His weary rays struggle to bring warmth

Others shield themselves from his light
But I've learned to accept
He will burn my porcelain skin

He kisses me good night
I feel a guilt-ridden relief
As I watch him slowly fade away

I put my head to my pillow and shut my eyes tight
Because maybe
Just maybe
His rays will go away

Each night I fell more in love with the night sky
I watched the stars burn in solitude
But somehow I always missed
His burning kiss
am Aug 2013
There once was a prince
In a not so far away land.
He was a fair boy
Always right and just
He cared for the world,
And his dearest friends.
But he was also oblivious
To the treasure
He had in his kingdom.

He would search far
For beautiful flowers,
That grew in his garden.
He had purple,
And Orange flowers,
But all he wanted
Was the rare white flower;

Every morning,
He would walk to his garden.
He watered each individual flower,
Yet he never saw,
That the perfect flower
Was growing right there
In his kingdom
In front of his very eyes.
Hidden behind the colorful
Beaming flowers
Grew white flower,
Exactly what he was longing for.

The prince will realize
The white flower
Directly in front of him.
It bloomed each and every spring,
With the sight of his eyes.
As it hears him laugh;
Dying every autumn,
When another flower,
Takes its spot.

Little does the prince know,
The white flower's petals,
Fell for him.
-A.M & S.G.
am Dec 2016
"i don't want to have you
to fill the empty parts of me
i want to be full on my own
i want to be so complete
i could light a whole city
and then
i want to have you
because the two of us combined
could set it on fire"
― rupi kaur
am Nov 2016
"it was when i stopped searching for a home
within others
and lifted the foundations of home
within myself
i found there were no roots more intimate
than those between a mind and body
that have decided to be whole"
― rupi kaur
am Jan 2017
i worry for what we have may not be enough
that one day my smile will not shine the same for him
as it does on this very day
i worry that he won't see how much my heart
cares so deeply for his touch
and craves his soul
i worry i am not as good as she was
that my presence does not flow into words
like hers did
i worry that my heart will always be broken from the last
time i loved
where i could never break through him
but instead
i only broke myself
am Aug 2015
my intention was nothing more than to shed a light across your heart
am Jun 2017
that since day one, she's already had everything she needs within herself. it's the world that convinced her she did not.
- rupi kaur

— The End —