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Sep 2010 · 885
radamz Sep 2010
I want to wake up next to you
Our skin stitched together as one
Just like the card I sent

One big happy deformed person
Much fun could be had
Ugly fun…

We could go to an amusement park
Eat cotton candy ‘til our stitches practically burst
Test out  just how much the horsies will hold

Laugh at our misshapen self in the distorted mirrors
Jam our oversized *** in a bumper car
Point at children who give us sideways glances

Up stage the bearded lady
Bark obscenities at those whom are wider
Yell at the man that tries to make us pay for two

I want to wake up next to you
The pink thread tightly knit
Just like the card you  received

Instead you lay in another bed
A world apart
No bobbin or needle in sight
Sep 2010 · 654
Dark Love
radamz Sep 2010
I love you more than taking out the trash
And more than when my itch becomes a rash

I love you more than doing dishes
And more than when death greets my fishes

I love you more than changing my cat’s litter
And more than when my tea is bitter

I love you more than lukewarm bath water
And more than dragging a lamb to slaughter

I love you more than long line-ups
And more than a child loves dead pups
An off shoot of "Ninety-Nine Cents"
Sep 2010 · 794
Ninety-Nine Cents
radamz Sep 2010
On a good day…..
I love you more than cheap gasoline
Even more than winning a dollar on the extra
I love you more than a pocket full of quarters
And more than finding the last roll of toilet paper

I love you more than finishing the milk before it sours
Even more than using up the bread before it molds
I love you more than Saturday morning cartoons
And more than a rerun of my favourite program

I love you more than getting revenge
Even more than instant Karma
I love you more than watching *** fights
And more than a drag of my cigarette

On a bad day….
I love you more than commuting on public transit
Even more than luke warm bath water
I love you more than a pocket full of pennies
And more than changing my cat’s litter

I love you more than wine that resembles vinegar
Even more than tasting carob when expecting chocolate
I love you more than finding a fly in my soup
And more than a trip to the emergency room

I love you more than taking out the trash
Even more than doing the dishes
I love you more than waiting in long line ups
And more than receiving change from a five for something that cost $4.01
Sep 2010 · 1.4k
I’m Addicted to You
radamz Sep 2010
Ambiguous altered awareness
Beginning brought back
Calm close connection  
Dreamy delicious desires
Ethereal essence ebbing
Fingers for feasting
Giving gentle goodness
Heavenly heart harnessed
Ideal images imagined
Joyous  juicy juxtaposition
Kaleidoscope kisses kept
Lasting lucid lust
Muted memories meshed
Nuzzling nearly ****
Outright open offerings
Pure pleasure passed
Quality quickly quested
Raw rapture revealed
Softly sung song
Thoughtful tender touch
Unique understanding unveiled
Virtuous verbal velvet
Wanting, why wait?
X-otic X-citment X-plored
Yearning yeses yielded
Zealous zesty zeal
I’m addicted to you……
First draft. Your thoughts welcome.
Aug 2010 · 726
One Last Kiss
radamz Aug 2010
I wish that I had stopped the cab
That i had dashed from the vehicle and into your arms
For one last kiss

A kiss like none other
A kiss to hold on and seize the moment
A kiss to warm my insides and take my breath away

Instead I watched as you waved goodbye
The car pulled away into the darkness
Leaving you behind and a memory unmade
Aug 2010 · 514
Suck It Up
radamz Aug 2010
I can’t.

Because  it ain’t right.
Because it’s not fair.

Nothing is fair.
It just ain’t.
The sooner realized the better.

This doth suckith.
radamz Aug 2010
Feelings raw and tender to touch
Why does this nonsense affect me so much?
I no longer want what I once had
Then why the **** does this make me so mad?

If you could only make up your mind
I think I could deal and in myself find
A better place for my feelings to rest
My temper kept still and not out to test

You were supposed to my friend
Have we truly hit a dead end?
I hope it’s not so and that we can repair
Can we heal together and lift this despair?
radamz Aug 2010
Sometimes I wonder if I’m mad or if it is a joke,
Because of all the love I get it makes me want to choke.
For it is so plentiful its hard to swallow in one bite,
But then I close my eyes and choke it down with all my might!
I can feel it slide through my throat and then it hits my belly,
Were I in my stomach right now, I’d have to wear giant love wellies.

The feeling I get starts at my heart then travels to my center,
The warm fuzzies were on attack again as soon as they did enter.
I start to get all tingly as this feeling travels through my body,
Warming every part, even my knees though they be shoddy.
It continues down thoughout my legs until it hits my toes,
Flushing out all my sorrows and everything that blows.

Then it starts back upwards, straight into my head,
It ***** up what I was thinking, filling me with you instead.
My brain gets all silly and can’t remember things,
Flooded with the thought of you and what our future brings.
The love that I feel back for you is more than sick and wrong,
‘Twould make a super strength ****** want to sing a heartfelt song.

I know it’s kinda early, and maybe I should guard my heart,
But I just cannot help myself, I want to give you every part.
I am blithe to share this love and get some back from you,
For I thought there was no hope and love to me had bid adieu.

So now I have to thank you for this gift you have given me,
For without it I’d be happy, but not as happy as could be.
Because when I take a look inside it makes me understand,
Before I had you and all this love my life was rather bland
Aug 2010 · 911
Eighteen More Sleeps
radamz Aug 2010
I am counting down the sleeps until we meet at last,
If I sleep all night and then all day it would go by real fast.
In my comatose I would have ***** dreams of you,
**** thoughts and fantasies in hopes they would come true.

In one I am a librarian wearing a blazer, corset and some glasses,
From the corner green eyes stare back at me knowingly about to miss some classes.
I would be all shy as i dropped a book upon your lap,
And when I turned to leave you would give my *** a naughty slap!
By then I'd get a little nervous and my cheeks would begin to flush,
For what we were about to embark on would have to be kept hush hush.

These are just some of the thoughts I would conjure in my dreams,
When the sun is down the stars are out and and from my window moonlight beams.
If I sleep all day and then all night the time would surely pass,
Much faster than awake, writing silly poems and of myself making an ***.......
Aug 2010 · 930
Love is a Four Letter Word
radamz Aug 2010
Who invented such a tiny word to describe something that is so large?
Four letters can't possibly cap a subject that the heart gives free of charge.

Even if I say it twice or three times in a row,
It's too small a word to make truly how I feel show.

If I were hired by love experts to invent a whole new word,
It would be something long and complex that they hadn't ever heard.

It would be more immense to declare then by a child who is autistic,
With enough time to think it would rhyme with supercalafragalistic.

But in the end I'm left with nothing then these committal letters four,
Repeating them again in hopes that they will mean ever so much more....

— The End —