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Rachid Insa Jun 2013
Every single one of us comes into this world as a seed
Whether we reach our full potential remain to be seen
We are filled with dreams
Still, is our heart strong enough to rely on its self esteem?
Indeed, a weak heart is tied down by desire
A such gifted liar
Controlled by it, you will suffer from it's whims
Slowly but surely broking your wings
Procrastination,sloth are his deceit
Making you believe that your life is infinite
While its running out like a hourglass
Internal war for internal peace
This is what is needed for it to cease
A heavy task that will leave you full of sweat
But is life worth living if it is filled with regrets?
Mar 2010 · 735
Sure looks good to me
Rachid Insa Mar 2010
Sometimes life is just a succession of rainy days
As if the sky was always grey
Preventing the beams  of the sun from shining
Every mistake becomes a break
Always scared to fall
Dodging the feeling of starting small
Ignoring the fact that failure precede achievement
Forgetting that after winter must come spring
Its only through pain and suffering that we gain strong wings
Passion and dedication are the tools to persevere
Fill your heart with faith then you won't fear
Because how low we might be feeling is as high that it can eventually get
So when they say to me that life is just a dried out sea
It sure looks good to me.
The Shid
Mar 2010 · 755
Be you
Rachid Insa Mar 2010
We live in a society where a simple glance shift  the way we are
Drowning  the child living in our souls in a sea of prejudice and lies
Stifling his fearful cries in a whirlwind of deception
He re-appears as a 'man' like they say
A person who's leitmotif is security
Too scared to face the unknown ,
Too coward to fulfill his childhood dreams
The desire to be alike becomes so extreme
That he destroys what god gave him and made him so unique
Every single one of us is a part of the all mighty
Which makes us special in every ways
We are fruits stemming  from various trees with a specific taste
Spurning that gift is like removing a part of ourselves
Admitting that we are weak within
Stand for it and you'll become a source of inspiration
A well moisturizing uncountable souls about to faint
Don't be afraid of what they think
Be free
Be you !
The Shid
Rachid Insa Jan 2010
What is a friend ? There's no accurate answer to that question
It's up to each one of us to find the meaning of it through our experience of life
In a short period of time i'm going to see one of my best friend depart
I already feel empty as a dried out lake unable to invigorate itself
Friendship only last when we learn from each other through time
An endless journey where joy and pain meets and draw near like loverbirds
A journey where you find out that the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself
Because what attract two person is their natural behavior , the expression of their true self
Your friend is your needs answered
When your heart is full with anguish , he'll repel it with cheers
When your soul is confused , he'll guide you to better days like a living compass
Gives his pleasure of life without any expectation of a returning favor
Because Happiness is only real when shared
In times like this you understand that tomorrow isn't a promise land
You have to enjoy the presence of your love ones as if you'll never see them again
Because friendship is one of those thing that makes life so priceless.
Dec 2009 · 825
The Me and The Mean
Rachid Insa Dec 2009
At times, the dark comes quicker
As if my mind gone weaker
As if my soul was split into two me
Similar to the ying and the yang
The Me and the Mean
The bright side and the dark side
I feel an intruder piercing my soul in the inside
I feel this part growing , getting stronger everyday
Spreading negative wave

The Me symbolize my reason of living
The dreams that I am after
The desire of beeing a father
The Mean on the other hand is like that creature surrounded by that antihalo feeling
Giving power to my fears , my hate
Eating all I have of hope, misguiding my fate
The Me became the prey , leaving The Mean  the place of deadly predator
It's like picturing the beauty of spring gobbled up by the sadness of winter

But The Me isn't giving up
I'm not giving up in the search of my true identity
The Murderess war of the two Me
The winner will decide where lies my destiny.
Dec 2009 · 830
Dark times
Rachid Insa Dec 2009
Sometimes I feel like a *******
That I want to hit
A man with a useless ****
I just want a normal life
but i'm efficient as a shapeless knife
Why can' t I be the man I always dream of
I'm like a bird in a cage
full of anger and rage
Why do I live for ?
The time feels so long
Can't stand it anymore
Watching this huge door driving me crazy
And feeling this growing misery
torring me apart
No wonder my heart is so dark
And can't confess the stress to rest
In order to take a better step...
Dec 2009 · 625
Rachid Insa Dec 2009
Always been there for me
You were the tree , I was the fruit
You were the  shelter of my mind ,
Always pushing me to get back on my grind
I was the definition of kind
Too shy to face mankind
Too scared to decline
Similar to a Chrysalis  stuck in his shell
Refusing to hatch
You told me once,  audacity is the key to success
Wasn't making progress ,but still trying to impress
You showed patience and love , similar to a guardian angel
Showing the path to go in ,
You were the rails I was the train
Now is the time to tell you how grateful I am
The little boy you raised became a  man .
Dec 2009 · 813
Sucka for love
Rachid Insa Dec 2009
When this began we were like the perfect mach ,
You were my east my west my compass
You were my pride , looked so wise with those pretty eyes  my soul sunshine.
Thats why since the first date, i knew that you were my soul mate, with you was lying  my fate.
this life of sin, that got both of us in trouble ,but you always stayed down for your man ,thats why i loved you .
Now its gone , long gone, all went wrong , as a unfinished song
Your attitude was the cause , trapped in your maze of lies i knew deep  inside that your friends that I despise were the reason why , disrupt was your mind
You see relationship they can be as strange as the weather but girl  you changed forever thats why we can no longer be together...
Dec 2009 · 517
A queen is the key
Rachid Insa Dec 2009
Forgive me for my sins
I'm only trying to win
Cuz in order to be seen
You got to be clean
Be tasty like a ice cream
I wanna live my dreams , but its harder than its seems
To be rich like a king , and find a queen
Who will make me the opposite of mean...

— The End —