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Jun 2016 · 144
Take my heart
Rachel Jun 2016
Take my heart and hold it in your hands
look inside, I need you to understand

Look beyond the scars, the pain that won't heal
I want you to search deep inside, for all the love i feel

Don't push away my damaged heart, hold it in your hand
It only beats for you, I need you to understand

look passed my fears  and insecurities, Don't let these things define me
My loving heart cries for yours, I am so lonely

let me hold your distant heart, I want to make it better
Place it next to mine and let them beat together
Apr 2016 · 160
Run Down Bar
Rachel Apr 2016
In a run down bar
where the crowd would gather
Drinks were being poured
and the music was getting louder

you played your guitar
I watched from a distance
my soul wasn't far
my ears there to listen

You strummed those strings      
with such devotion
with powered chords
of deep emotion

with each music note
you spoke to my heart
i was falling in love
in this run down bar

Could you love me like the songs you played?
could I be your inspiration
loving me without hesitation

Could you love me with such passion
such devotion
for internity and endless compassion

I watched from a distance
in a run down bar
The boy i love 
playing his guitar

— The End —