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Jan 2012 · 888
Doubt (10W)
Rachel S Jan 2012
Doubt grows within.
Living. Breathing.
A parasite upon my flesh.
I tried to write my first Haiku but couldn't quite get a handle on the form!
Jan 2012 · 735
A Storm Approaches
Rachel S Jan 2012
The wind is howling like a monster
Longing to be freed,
It groans
Like heavy duty machinery
Aching after intense labour,
In the distance a Door slides open,
Only to be gently swung shut
With a distant thud.
Above me water is trickling
off the roof in a constant stream
running off as sweat beads roll off human skin.

Silence envelops.

The only sounds
A distant snore and
The hollowing echo of an empty paint tin
Dancing in the breeze
The wind attacks once more
Battering the windows,
Rain pellets down as a thunderous torrent of bullets.
We are under attack from the elements,
Yet nobody seems to notice,
Nobody seems to understand.
Dec 2011 · 725
Last Night
Rachel S Dec 2011
i dreamt there was a serial killer living in my attic
and boy was it traumatic
Dec 2011 · 854
The Bottle
Rachel S Dec 2011
I won't drink again till Friday she assures him
-but she does  

She sits with clouded judgement
bottle and promise
and clouded heart
bottle and promise and empty words.

Should it be this hard? - It shouldn't be this hard...

He sees her rise, get up with a sigh and leave only to come back with more;
 more empty words
 more empty promises
 more soon to be empty bottles

She tells him of times gone by,
of times lost,
of loves past and
of the dreams she had.
She tells him how they were shattered,
obliterated in a
drunken moment,
and of how it has made her 'oh so mad'.

She tells him how
her lover left her when he heard,
almost five short years before
how she never got to choose her life,
all because the ****** tore.

and he's forced to hear it all once more;
and she sits with clouded judgement
bottle and promise
and clouded heart
bottle and promise and empty words

He's heard it all before
even if he is only
the tender age
of four.
Experimenting and would love to hear some constructive feedback! :)
Dec 2011 · 596
Rachel S Dec 2011
all these
                                             thoughts exploding                                                                                                                  i feel my head
This is not meant to be good.. Just a piece of fun! :)
Dec 2011 · 982
An unfortunate meeting
Rachel S Dec 2011
Deceit is a
two way
bet you never fancied that we’d actually meet.
Dec 2011 · 445
Rachel S Dec 2011
I don’t know why?
Do you know why?
He turned and said with a sigh..
Dec 2011 · 480
the end is near
Rachel S Dec 2011
the end is near
and so your destiny has become clear,

study hard, and be the diligent girl daddy knows you are,
lead with your head, and guard your heart,
run far from here, until we are miles apart
don't ever look back, there is nothing left here.

the end is near.
Dec 2011 · 438
Rachel S Dec 2011
you can set your roots deep in an attempt to hold on


even the strongest of trees can be forced to bow to the wind.
Not really sure if this can be classed as a poem? more of an observation but I like it anyway :)
Dec 2011 · 457
a simple truth
Rachel S Dec 2011
It's not a coincidence
                                     that the pretty ones
                                                                       were never told that
                                                                                                           true beauty lies *within
Dec 2011 · 494
Rachel S Dec 2011
What do you say
when there remains nothing left to say?
How do you heal
the wounds without fueling the fire?
How do you mend
a broken heart when there are so many pieces missing?
What can i do
to just be there for you?
Dec 2011 · 531
Rachel S Dec 2011
Lies underpin love,
Love underpins lies,
Life is bliss
When the love meets the lies,
the lies meet the love,
in a head on collision
at the dinner table.
Dec 2011 · 448
Mom (working title)
Rachel S Dec 2011
I can never be
what you wanted me to be
but there is one thing i can be
- *ME
Dec 2011 · 448
A Whole Lot of Thinking
Rachel S Dec 2011
You are the one I
of when I
of the one I would like to
of me as I
of you.
Dec 2011 · 1.2k
Rachel S Dec 2011
My eyes are awry,
My nose too large,
My teeth are all crooked,
My back unnaturally arched,
My hips are wide,
My love handles are many,
My feet appear calloused,
My nails are all chewed.

Each characteristic,
An imperfect fragment,
A part of the complex puzzle,
That is,
Perfect me.
Dec 2011 · 568
Rachel S Dec 2011
It creeps upon us when we least expect ,
it watches and waits,
one must never forget,
it lies in wait,
preempting our mistakes.

While children play aimlessly,
running about,
it is waiting in the wings.
We grow old,
yet it is ironically rushed,
never expecting to be caught up.

We know it is there,
but we turn a blind eye.
'It's not my time,
I am young,
It does not wait for me.

We expect nothing more of time
than to tick past slowly
with the changing of the seasons.
We expect to grow old
and wise,
then to eventually die.

Yet nothing in this life is certain,
except that it is waiting,
constantly watching.

Waiting for us to falter
to allow the skipping of a heart beat.
Waiting for the clock hand to stall,
for time and existance
to melt away
- slowly
into the darkness.
Dec 2011 · 646
Rachel S Dec 2011
What I would give, to see through your eyes.
To see what you see.

Do you see a poor, feeble, translucent being,
somone who could never be with you?
Or do you see a quietly, proud and unique woman,
worthy of the writings of Maya Angelou?

When I enter a room, you are all I see.
But what do you see? Do you ever see me?
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
Rachel S Dec 2011
Should have seen the signs
Didn't posess the ability to read
between the lines.
You shrunk inside yourself and
forgot to ask for help.
Now the fault is mine
I must watch you waste and pine
and promise myself that I will never again
fail to see the signs.

— The End —