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1.4k · Feb 2010
Rachel Orion Feb 2010
Moments linger -
long and slowly upon lovers lips.
Hours spent sultry and smooth
Days remembered -
ruthless and rough.
Years extensive -
equivalent to not.
Forever moment linger-
long and slowly upon lover lips,
long and slowly upon lover lips.
original work written 12-13-06
1.2k · Feb 2010
Playground of Life
Rachel Orion Feb 2010
Destruction and Devastation
Are brothers with dear Death-
In times of fear the come together
For torture is their best-
Struggle and Heartache are their games
On the Playground of Life-
Pay attention or be consumed
Respect them or end in their strife.
This is an original poem written 3-22-06
1.2k · Mar 2010
Rachel Orion Mar 2010
Lonely is a girl someone once loved too much.
Lonely lays in bed and thinks of why it was too perfect.
Lonely stays up till 4 and wakes at 6 only to be alone.
Lonely cries and blames herself.
But Lonely forgets…
Lonely ignores the memories of pain.
Lonely doesn’t acknowledge the fights.
Lonely dismisses the abuse as her fault.
But Lonely still lays in bed and thinks of why it was too perfect.
Lonely cries and blames herself…
Original 3-23-2010
1.2k · Mar 2010
Rachel Orion Mar 2010
Sleep please find me soon!
I am tired but cannot slumber,
My eyes are closed and still wide open.
My mind is racing, hopefully soon to run out of gas.
Hours pass by like seconds,
From 1 to 4 in a blink.
Tossing and turning inside, yet perfectly still.
Thinking of sleep...
Dreaming of sleep...
Wanting to sleep.
Oh, Sleep please find me soon.
Original 3-23-2010
1.1k · Mar 2010
Rachel Orion Mar 2010
The thought of it makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.
His Touch…Lick…Force…
All to sickening to remember.
The images flash before my closed eyes.
His smile, oh how I hate his crooked smile.
*****? I’m a *****? No, I am a child.
Or was.
He put his putrid hands on me, said I wanted it.
Oh yes, at 10 I wanted him inside me.
I wanted to feel that way.
I begged for it.
Or so he said...
Original 3-23-2010
1.0k · Feb 2010
Rachel Orion Feb 2010
Fire burning-elegant dancers glide across an empty stage.
Fire burning-lingering in each fair embrace.
Fire burning-consuming every ounce of humanity.
Fire burning- heated desire, passionately engulfing.
Fire burning-knowing 'tis just begun.
original work written 12-13-06
881 · May 2010
Deep Hatred
Rachel Orion May 2010
How can you ask so much and produce so little.
Why is it always someone else’s fault?
The punishment must fit the crime.
You ignore me and treat me like ****,
But tell me I’m treated like a princess.
How does that work?
You act like I’m 5 and give me orders
You tell me you’re not controlling but then tell me things that ‘have’ to change
You haven’t even taken me out on a single date.
We never go anywhere together.
Am I a secret or a joke to you?
The one in my life that I love more than anything you call silly names.
Her name is Kaiah, not Kaia-burger.
We don’t spend time together anymore.
Do you even want me?
I come on to you and you turn me away.
Do I disgust you?
You’re always late.
Over an hour late.
Never on time.
Is it too much to ask.
Is it hard to tell me I look nice today?
When I spent hours getting ready for you and u don’t even acknowledge it.

One request.
Just one.
Come talk to me now.
And you complain about that too.
I have done nothing wrong.
I have done everything in my power to rebuild your trust.
What were your demands?
To delete facebook.
Not going to happen.
And what else?
You’re willing to throw me away because of facebook?
Then you are stupid.
You won’t even come by.
15 minutes left in your 30 minute window of a chance at my heart.
Or 15 minutes left till I kick you out of my life.
And you want to argue through texts saying I am making you my *****.
If you cared you wouldn’t think that.
If you cared you would be here to talk things over and salvage our possible relationship.
But still as time passes you don’t show up.
And I get more and more ******.
I begin to attain a deeper hatred for you with each passing minute.
If I was in your position I would have been here asap.
But it’s not me making the decision right now.
If you don’t show up I’m done.
My heart is not a toy.
Yes I have wronged you before.
2 months ago I left you hanging.
I have, in my opinion made up for it.
So if everything I have done is not enough then it’s your loss.
Once I kick you out of my heart there is no getting back in.
I will only be heartbroken once.
And with one text you tell me you are headed to another city to pick up your brother.
It was never really about me making you my *****.
It was about you not being able to come so u wanted me to fold first.
So it ends with a text.
I finally settle with a single response.
‘I have nothing to say.’
No response.
original 2010
842 · Mar 2010
Rachel Orion Mar 2010
You have to make a choice in your life.
The known path that will be certain,
Or you risk everything for everything.
Written 3-25-2010
763 · Mar 2010
Damaged Goods
Rachel Orion Mar 2010
I hate you.
I hate you because you love me.
I hate you because you care for me.
I hate you for the loving way you look at me.
I hate you getting close to my heart.
You don’t want me.
I’m ****** up.
Damaged goods.
No one wants damaged goods.
Not even you.
So I hate you because you love me.
I hate you for the way you brush my hair off my face.
I hate you because deep down I love you.
But that scares me.
So instead, I hate you.
Original 2-25-2010
700 · Mar 2010
Rachel Orion Mar 2010
Fire, Fire - burning bright
Dancing flames throughout the night,
Red, Blue - Orange, Gold,
Now the fires growing cold.
Fire, Fire - burning bright
Dancing flames turn out the light.
Original 2010
686 · Feb 2010
Life is Color
Rachel Orion Feb 2010
Sunrise starts Summer,
Yellow, Orange, Red-
Life is color.

Noon is now in Fall,
Green, Pink, Tan-
Life is color.

Midnight soon freezes,
Blue, Black, Gray-
Life is color.

Now is Nothing,
Color gone-Empty world-
Life was color.
Original work Written 2006
668 · Mar 2011
Kaiah, I'm Sorry
Rachel Orion Mar 2011
A sharp sound pierces the silence of my thought
Startled I peer into the night to discover the origin
She stands out pale against the darkness
Am I dreaming?
Is this real?
A cry sounds out again in the night
I regain my thought, then proceed to the source
Cautiously I make my way to her
Her eyes enveloped with pain
As I lean in to wipe away her tortured tears
She screams out in agony
What have I done?
Am I responsible?
I inquire if I can resolve her suffering
She only responds in more tears
My heart aches for her
If only she could tell me what’s wrong
Somehow I could make it right
She takes in her last breath
I hold her close as the color fades from her eyes
I’ll give her the burial she deserves
And one day I will join her where we can forever be together
Her name was Kaiah and she was the best canine friend a human could have.
485 · Mar 2010
Rachel Orion Mar 2010
What do I believe?
I don’t know,
I know that I want to believe that people can be kind and caring and love one another without the threat of a God deciding their fate if they **** up.
But that’s just me...
Original 3-23-2010

— The End —