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Rachel Finn Feb 2013
I want your bed sheet tongues and your enveloping arm lips to swallow me hard and never spit me back out so please hold me down and let your word jaws crush me until I can't breathe because when I think about you I laugh cry and I free fall until you ****** me back up in the air where I wait float down until you do it again and again oh god you've got me by my neck between your stone lips fingertips all hot and adrenaline cold you're the smoke filling my head and the ice in my veins you are taking me so high and ringing me out so thin I forget who I am and where I'm going and you make none of it matter you are my biggest nightmare you could collapse my frame with one breath from your lips and I am not sure if I could ever build myself back again and it is sheer insanity and bliss.
Rachel Finn Feb 2013
There are key words
That are fate
The words: Hiding
Or Wait
They mirror back
And float to the surface
And they have ties
To our names
And all the places we've been

There are songs
And flavors
And scents
That are fragments
Of you and me

I wonder if you notice them too
Rachel Finn Jan 2013
To cut the throat
Of the virus that branches
It's spider finger tips
*******, cutting, and licking venom
To spread turn blood to **** and stomach bile
In your veins
Until it kisses your brain
Unfolding and cursing
Over and again

To remove the dust from the window sill
And push open to glass
To a warm summers night
Air thick enough to fill your ears
To slip past the lips
Expand and fill
The holes of your airways
But coming as a whisper of the soothsayer
To take you to the deep velvet river banks
Turning your flesh to sand
Matter recycled
To turn to earth and trees
That become a part of the cycle
Misery and Majesty
Matter and antimatter
Rachel Finn Jan 2013
House cat at the window,
I'm sorry
You must play this game.
Rachel Finn Jan 2013
I am the tides
Pulled both ways
The flame that burns
Building, glowing frame
But devouring, taking away
Pulled both ways
Night and day
The same
I don't understand
But I can see everything

Skin is all the same
Words are just sounds
Rain is just salt water
Tears the same
Lips are all lips
All touches are received
Happiness is chemical
Finger tips cannot ****
Finger tips that scarcely touch
Are capable of so much pain

The rule is
You get what you give
So why do those who give all
Not receive the same
Guess it's not enough

I was taught love is like gravity
Reciprocated and unwavering
Like the tides
They never fail
Rachel Finn Jan 2013
How can something,
Lighter than dust,
Too small for air to support,
For gravity,
Unseen by the eye in aid,
Or naked,
Stop worlds in rotation.
Rachel Finn Jan 2013
Slipping back the silent killer
Of phantom demons
Metallic enemies
I have seen the warm lake boil
Bacterial memories
By twos by threes
Beautiful like clean sheets
And unmarred pages
Wholly holy leaves
Of weeping willows
They are me
They never sleep
Uprooted and clean
Burning off the ticks and fleas
No trace
Departed history
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