from the flat, scorched fields of Nebraska
to the rugged, snowy tops of Alaska
we danced a jig - no, a rap
swaying beautifully to the beat
of a one-two step
loving and fearing and trusting
and listening
Threads twisted and crossed
until a beautiful know came into view, untying impossible.
Ups and downs and a deluge of life
produced permanent stains on the separate strings
playing a harmony never equaled or paralleled.
It began as a single note
and quickly progressed to chords and
talented fingerpicking.
A unique song
that echoes off peaks, across the plains, to the valley.
And life came again
separating the melodies
tearing them apart.
And they screak in protest
knowing that they will play together again
and decorate the terrain
with joy.
Memories alone let them
spread their wings and
This one is a very rough draft that I would really like some feedback on. I still haven't come up with a title. Please give suggestions.