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Why aren’t your eyes--- there?
In two places--- where water should be?
Moldy residue--- absence of vision, tears
From those bullet holes--- you ought to see--- your own ambivalence
Fall down my cheek
Terrifying--- Me, with nothing for both us
Automaton, my weakness
Intellect, disease
You’re my body
You're my spirit
Justice and horror--- within, without
 Feb 2011 Rachel
Ashe L Bennett
I don't remember, any more,
The exact shape of your hands
As I held them in mine,
Caressed them,
Memorized the length of your fingers,
The depth of your calluses.

I don't remember, any more,
Exactly your height, how much
Taller than me
You were, where
My head rested on your chest
When you held me tightly close.

I don't remember, any more,
Your scent, when we lay together
Creating our own
Magic rhythm,
Matching our heartbeats as we
Touched the sky, together.

I don't remember, any more,
The sound of your voice, calling
My name as though
It were a song
Within itself, a precious treasure
You valued with all your being.

And I don't remember, any more,
The color of your eyes, the shape
Of your lips,
How your eyes crinkled at the corners
And your laugh, as you told me,

"I love you."
Copyright by Ash L. Bennett, 2011
I felt the touch of your mind within my thoughts
Softly mark my brow as I lay awake
With salt from the seas of your distraction
Painting a picture, blamelessly pure
With a voice only fresh fallen showers
Could ever make

I felt the touch of your hand each way I turned
Absorbing the scars of consequence
That embroidered my soul in scarlet red
With new letters that formed
Precious words of comfort and joy  
To be read
Copyright *Neva Flores @2011
I heard that you swim in a sea of glass with no armor
Where you are reborn with each rising sun
At night alone you seek answers
Within fate’s prison
You are one

I can see that you are not afraid of currents swift
Always shifting disguises to continue on
So is fate’s prison a sanctuarial gift
Where you exist as you are
As one alone

I know you wear a shield encrusted with diamonds
Over your own heart’s vast range of feeling
You exist in a prison on your own island
Shifting disguises to hide the scars
Fate is dealing

I too swim in a sea of glass with no armor
Each rising sun I am reborn anew
At night alone I seek answers
From my fate’s prison
I wave to you
Copyright *Neva Flores @2011
 Nov 2010 Rachel
JJ Hutton
the young lions won't want you

Eventually you are going to
get tired
of keeping it tight,
of batting your eyes,
of applying the gloss just right.

what will you do when the invitation beds
come to an end?

Eventually the lions will settle,
while you gather cobweb and callus,
while you smoke cancer and wallow in cellulite.

find a boy who makes you feel like the sun.

he's the only one who can save your soul
from all the crimes you've done.
Copyright 2010 by Joshua J. Hutton
 Nov 2010 Rachel
You and I
 Nov 2010 Rachel
You are
And I am
You are
And I am
You are
And I am
You are
And I am
 Nov 2010 Rachel
I stood in the sun
and thought of you
and of my junebug heart.
It clings on, unshakable,
even after it’s death.

And you like that about me,
my junebug heart that is.
You think you have one too.
I know that you don’t.
Yours is fleeting.

Vapid beauty of this room
Frothing carpet, ocean blue
One wall me, the other you
What lies between is residue

Scribed on soggy, shipwrecked parchment
Questions asked, time forgotten
Who are we?
What do we know?
Into these questions Summer flows
And thrashes at your Autumn’s brinks
Yearlong they torment my brain
Infringing on every season

If not for the manic scheme
To love and having loved be loved
This correspondence to a distant land
With stars, more numerous and brightly lit
Than my burgeoning highway exit
Would by no means have left my hand

But if, against all odds, it will prevail
Extolling truth’s folly, my sorrowful tale
Quells with reason my groundless pride
At having docked on your passionless harbor
Unloading platonic cargo during our youth’s ebbing tide
Must not create union of body or mind
You swallow my horizon, like the sun twilight
Though, one need not chase that orange orb for tomorrow

In this night without fortitude, lewd humor consumes me
Singing with the mouth on my head and your voice inside
I plunge into darkness
Skimming its silky surface
Before zipping it behind me

Shall I drown, as I have lived?
In vain, my dreams your subjects
Taken for ransom in your heart’s Tripoli
Not surmising recompense, I forfeit this
A note belying resonance
Of my heart’s last echoed throe
One desperate effort, giving up
Feed every vestige to the void
Wading, torso encumbered
Each sullen relic of your memory
Falls to the deep’s frigid ebony
Then, only too late am I cognizant
That my own breath is tribute yet spent
Therefore if I were to float or swim
I’d give you every ounce of who I am
Convince you to relinquish me
From your tepid, spurning sea
Then lying beneath moist underbrush
Slowly, breathe no more

This is basically a revision of my poem Anstoss

My recitation here:
 Nov 2010 Rachel
beth winters
you had birds in your mouth and sunlight dripping from your eyelashes.
i promised i wouldn't speak if you wouldn't change faces twice an hour.
we made conversation under a tree and sleep-walked through your kitchen.
i couldn't stare for your poetry disguised as fingers, always moved your hands.

i opened your window and slid to the street, took a walk with the recycling.
my hands looked tired the next morning, and you wouldn't take no.
when the lights fell asleep, we ran for the boats and slipped into the water.
the moon smiled and pulled us apart, i never matched your shoes again.
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