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Sep 2010 · 601
To be an Eel
Rachel Sep 2010
When lust turned to love
I was stuck in the Sea between,
fighting the single wave that held me in place.

It crashed over me and I was under it looking up.
When I tried to ask for help, all that escaped me was a cloud of smoke
destined for wherever, spreading thinly and insignificantly throughout.

As the smoke dispersed, so did I.

My torso sank quickly from the weight of a heart conflicted,
scraping the reef and leaving cloudy red trails suspended above it as it plundered,
finally hitting the deepest, darkest ground like a common rock.

My arms slithered away like eels,
swollen with stinging electric courage as they ruthlessly pursued their prey,
feeding off the triumph of the tangible path of destruction in their midst.

My legs walked back to the land they were used to,
where they tried to get everything back in line; but the line was blurred.  
So they went in all directions-- left, right, and wrong, and they got nowhere.

My head was carried off by the current,
until I suddenly thought to lift it up to the surface.  Thinking about surfacing was hard
but after I did it, I realized that the wave looked farther away.

I think I’ll make it through today,
but tomorrow I woke up bleeding and breathing smoke, wondering

Who I am.

— The End —