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Rachael Mar 2010
I love this feeling
Crawling around with you
Your wounds are still healing
And I don't know what to do
Am I jumping in to quick
Will I freeze in this place
Will you warm up and stick
Its easy for me to fall out of grace
My arms are open for you to fall
And im here to listen
I dont want to hit this wall
I want to kiss you and
I want to see your cute smiling face
But we should take this slower pace
Rachael Mar 2010
Standing in this green world
Hand in hand with the master
Handing me handfuls of magic
Letting me enter his life

Mirrors are deceiving
Its not all the same on the other side
Smiling on one side
Dead on the other

He's there with me
Holding my hand
Laughing smiling loving
Giving him my most
Precious *****

I left that world
He was waiting on one side
Seeing the real me
Seeing that I changed

Going back wasn't the same
He was the same
I was back to what he knew
Slowly crumbling rocks they fall

Wanting that sweet feeling of before
Not wanting what is coming

The green world is falling apart
The cracks wont close up
The master is drifting away
His magic gone
And I'm here trying
To remember what love is
Rachael Mar 2010
Thinking too fast, anticipating things that won't come. Nothing happens when you're young and dumb. The drugs take affect and for a second I had a stroke. **** wasn't moving, and my heart was pumping coke. Coughing up life forms of other planets. Sweating out feelings, and eating my hands. Killing the future and taking hits off foreign lands

— The End —