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Rachael Roth Nov 2012
You are one of those peoeple you go into my life and destroy it.
I hate you... you ruin me.
Everyone is obsessed with you, while I'm in the dust.

I hope you see this hate letter and change you ways
because you ruin me, my life.
I want you to change.
For the better not for the worst.
If you cannot change leave my life alone and everyone around me.
Just go away.

*This is my hate letter to you
Rachael Roth May 2012
I was a baby
not knowing anything
but my mother and father

Then I was a Toddler
getting teeth
eating everything
talking to everyone

Then I was a Child
playing sports
making friends
in school

before I knew it I was a teenager
taking OGT, ACT, SAT and more tests
having a phone and laptop in reach where ever I go

The next thing I was an adult
having kids
going to work
having a busy life

All of a sudden I was a grandparent
living in a nursing home
having people help me with whatever I did

Where did my life go? Where did time go away from me?
Rachael Roth May 2013
This has been going on for a long time and its time to stop.
Whenever I see you I die a little from your ugliness.
you are grotesque and I never understood why you feel that way to me.
But I hate you, you love me
Just leave me alone to be peaceful.
Just leave me alone.

If you died I wouldn't cry,
I'd throw a party about being happy for once.
people tell you things that aren't true,
they are the opposite.

when you look t me I cringe with disgust
so can you just leave me alone.
Rachael Roth May 2012
There he is standing there
my prince
our love is truth and fair

I run, run into his arms and hold him tight
never wanting to let go without a fight

he kneels on one knee
he say he wants to be with me
and how happy he would be

then I said
**I do
Rachael Roth May 2012
With you I feel alive
That we will keep living and never die
My heart skips a beat with your hand in mine
We will be together through all time

Nothing can break us
And with our luck we won’t have to fuss

We’ll beat the test of time with no doubt
I’ll love you forever and will never drop out
Forever with you…
Rachael Roth Nov 2012
Happy Birthday. I love you.
You're so kind.
You make my day shine.

So on you birthday, I have one thing to say.
I love you and Happy Birthday.

To top it all off I'll give you a hug.

I hope you have the best birthday.

**Happy Birthday
Rachael Roth Oct 2012
When you sit by me my heart flutters.
When we touch I feel like doing flips.
With you I feel right, like I belong.

You say you don't love me but I know it's not true.
I see the love in your eyes when you look at me.
One day when I have courage I will tell you the truth
and I will say
**I love you
Rachael Roth Oct 2012
You tell yourself lies to make the truth feel better.
To make your life better.
To make you feel like nothing is wrong.
But, there is something wrong
and that is you

You must tell yourself the truth not lies.
Do not shield your eyes from the pain and sorrow.
sometimes the horrible things in life make a person them self.
Be yourself not try and purposely change yourself.
It's called life live it and love it even though there are down falls.
Just deal with them.
Rachael Roth May 2012
Mother. Father...
Take me with you
I love you so much I never want to let go
I think of you everyday in my kindergarten classroom
Waiting to be back home
I love your kisses and hugs
I love when your right beside me to comfort me when something bad happens
I. Love. You.
Rachael Roth Oct 2012
I walk around all I see is sadness.
The trees are wilted, the flowers are dead.
I can't remember what the world used to be like.

The only hope in a world of sorrow is you and me.
We'll try to fix it but it might not be enough.
But, with you I feel like the world is normal.

So live for today and live for tomorrow because
there is something always waiting for us
wherever we go.
Rachael Roth Oct 2012
I had the best summer ever with you.
I hate to say goodbye.
You live so far away and I might not ever see you again.
I'll miss you.

I will remember you forever.
I hate saying goodbye.
Rachael Roth May 2012
Oh, spring how your dear to me
and as pretty as can be
with the buzzing bees
and the flowers oh so pretty

When Spring comes I can't wait
for playing outside until late
with cookouts on plates

Oh spring how I love you!!!
Rachael Roth May 2012
I run
Run from all that is evil
And sob soft tears
By the the great oak tree on top of the hill
Oh, how I wish it would end
The evil
Why does it always torment me
And always leave me hurt
Oh, how I hate it
Rachael Roth Oct 2012
I see him but he doesn't see me.
I wish he would come up and talk to me.
I know we are from two different worlds but that doesn't mean love can't exist.
I wish he could see me but I'm unnoticeable.

He stands there looking very confident.
I wish, I wish he even just look at me.
But I am unnoticeable.
Rachael Roth May 2012
sometimes I just sit,
what is it that makes life so meaningful?
especially for the kids who get bullied or tormented
what makes it special?

Then I realized I am special
because I respect those kids not bully them
because I believe and act like myself
because I know whats right from wrong
because I am true...

— The End —