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Rachael Judd Dec 2016
She's the girl who only drinks black coffee
And smokes menthol cigarettes
With her lipstick staining the filter
She laughs at corny jokes
And dances in the rain
until her hair is soaking wet
She's the girl who listens to birds singing
In the mornings before spring
And writes poetry about heartbreaks
She is the storm before a hurricane
Rachael Judd Nov 2016
If I told you I loved you,
What would you say?
Would you love me too,
Or walk away?
Rachael Judd Nov 2016
Fall in love with the words dripping out of his mouth while his lips are pressed against yours and his hands are caressing your face. Fall in love with the way he walks and hangs around his friends, fall in love with his voice that speaks softly when he's whispering in your ear about how beautiful you look today. Fall in love with his fear of losing you, because your as scared as he is. Fall in love with the moments not the days, fall in love with the nights full of drunken laughter and all the smoke you share in your lungs. Fall in love with his hands and the way they can caress your body or smack your ***. Fall in love with his angels, but don't forget to love his demons.
Rachael Judd Nov 2016
I'm in love with the thought of being in love, and which love in itself is a completely different form of love in someone or something. Love is a concept that can be created as a chemical, so understanding the balances of love is understanding being in love. Be in love with your thoughts of conception because I'm in love with mine.
Rachael Judd Nov 2016
Pyschedlics in the sky
Just love on my mind
Lust in the sun
And empty bottles of ***
Bitterness on my tounge
Psychedelic paterns trip in my eyes
Laughter is so hard to find
Skinny dippin just to have a lil fun
Cigarettes hanging on my lip
Smoke Filling up my lungs
I can't see no more
Dancing around
In psychedelic skys
Rachael Judd Nov 2016
It's just a blank slate, take it and run my dear.

Because these only come once in a lifetime,

make no mistake. This is your blank slate.
Rachael Judd Oct 2016
Let me tell you a story, of how the raindrops feel when they touch your skin. The first drop you will barely notice. The second you'll ask if it's raining. The third you're prepared for, taking it all in you feel the wetness of the drop rolling slowly down across your arm. You feel the rain hit your skin and you melt into the earth as such a Devine being letting the dirt cover your body and the flowers curl around your limbs. Mother Earth has brought you home, into the earth where you belong. First it was raindrops falling in your skin, now the world is above your body and your falling into the earth like Alice down the rabbit hole.
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