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Rachael Judd Aug 2016
I am not a person
I am a shadow
Following in the footsteps
Of someone who
I don't even recognize
Rachael Judd Aug 2016
Sometimes I think I can see your name written in the stars
Spelling the sound of your voice
That lingers in my mind
Stars align just perfectly enough to tell me that your still here
When a gust of wind brushes the hair out of my face
I can feel that it's you trying to tuck loose strands of hair behind my ear
Everytime it rains the drops on my windowsill play the melody of your favorite songs
I said goodbye to you when they buried you deep under the earth
With the dirt and all the flowers
But you never said goodbye to me
Instead you said I'll be there soon
Rachael Judd Aug 2016
You have broken me
Every part
Of my lonely heart
Has been shattered
In millions of pieces
On the floor
I let you break down my walls
Crawl into my mind
And see all the dark parts
I was so scared to let anyone see
But you
You crept in to see the real me
Apparently you didn't like
Everything you were bound to see
And you left
With the door wide open
My walls broken down with bulldozers
Left me in the ruble of the crash
Unbearable and broken
Rachael Judd Aug 2016
I am nothing but a beating heart in a still body
Rachael Judd Aug 2016
Writing about love
I always thought would give
Me the power of holding onto love
I realize now I never had
A love so strong it could change the world
I met a boy
Only 16 years old
And I fell so deeply in love with him
He changed the definition of love
In my eyes
He gave me six months
To show him the brightest and darkest sides of myself
He showed me every part of him
No one else could've understood
He broke the spell he cast upon me
Two days ago
I let him ruin every love song is ever heard
Completely destroy my thoughts of happily ever afters
I realize now there isn't a happily ever after
There's a deep ocean blue color waiting for me at the end of my road
To drift into the sea
Not searching for love but waiting for the water
To take my body and drown me under the ocean sea.
Rachael Judd Jul 2016
Oh, and darling
If you asked
for water
I'd bring you the ocean
Rachael Judd Jul 2016
If he loves me
He rarely shows it
I think he wants
To leave me
Why should he
Even stay
Every one
Leaves anyway
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