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9.8k · Apr 2010
A letter to my children
Queen Momma Apr 2010
Don't ask me not to worry
Cause you know I always will
Although you're getting bigger
You are my babies still

I wish I could do magic
So you won't make mistakes
I'd give up everything I had
I'd do all that it would take

If I could keep you safely
Tucked inside my arms
I'd build a wall around us
To keep you safe from harm

I'd never let a raindrop
Fall upon your head
I'd cup your ears so they'd not hear
Any bad things that are said

If I had the power
To make things go my way
There'd be no pain or hurt or sadness
And you'd be happy everyday

But as you know I don't possess
The magic that it takes
To take away the problems
And make this world a perfect place

And since I don't
You have to know
I'll worry about you
What are they doing now?
Where are they and with who?

I'll worry if you'll remember
The things I tried to teach
Like not to talk to strangers or
Turn you back when at the beach

Don't forget to use your manners
Brush your teeth and comb your hair
Always do your best
Always do what's fair

Remember right from wrong
And don't give in to please a friend
Cause you're the one who has to deal
With the trouble in the end

I worry that other people
Do not see the things I know
The things way deep inside you
The things that do not show

Do they know your hearts are bigger
Than the universe itself
Or that you are both more giving
Than any one of Santa's elves

Do they know how much I love you
Or the way you make me fee
When I think that you are mine
It's still just so unreal

From the day I looked into your eyes
And hugged you that first time
I said I'll never let you go
You always will be mine!

So I'm always gonna' worry
No matter how I try
Cause I love you with all my heart
That's the reason why!!

Love you, Mommy
Queen Momma Apr 2010
A wise man he once told me never turn your back unto the tide
I did that once he told me, then he turned around and cried
It washed away my house of sand and all the memories that it held
I felt like I was drowing "Don't ever do it!" then he yelled.
The sand just like an hourglass, was washed away and gone
I was so sad, I felt so bad like I could not go on.

But then I saw my reflection on the water
And I heard the mermaids sing
And I decided not to let the tide take away everything!

I still had my umbrella to keep me safe from getting burned
And the vast ocean before me, all the things I've not yet learned.

Only He can walk on water, and that's when He gave the sign
I noticed another set of footprints in the sand right next to mine
It's then that I had realized He'd been watching over me
Protecting me from harm from the perils of the sea
I had gone as near to the edge of the shore that I would go
Rather than drown I built a boat and I began to row
"Keep your compass pointed always in the direction of your dreams"
Life isn't always easy, but it's easier than it seems!"

I blinked, just for a second, when I looked again he was gone
But the story that he told me in my heart will carry on
He made a lot of sense that day, gave good advice to me
I wouldn't let it beat me, I would learn to tame the sea!

So I grabbed my pail and shovel, built a fortress strong and high
and dared those waves to knock it down, but if it did I wouldnt cry
Instead I'd build one bigger, with the help of my family
Nothing was gonna' beat me, not even the raging sea!

Sometimes I look out from the shore and I could swear I see
That wise old man sailing off into the sunset
and look back and wink at me!

— The End —