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May 2014 · 312
Q Rich May 2014
Curiously they watch as you sleep
Spectating from a safe distance, they watch you grow up
Pondering your silly movements, they can't help but smile
Wondering why you chose that outfit instead of this nice one here
Silently taking in your everything and wishing only the best for you
They are your guardians, your watchers, your knights in shining armor
You take it for granted
The fact they are there
Keeping you safe from harmful reality
Existing in the shadows
The monsters in your closet
May 2014 · 334
Haikus of Boredom
Q Rich May 2014
Waiting for the net
Indecision overwhelms
Fingers are confused

A girl sits and stares
Basking in the glow of blue
Clouds move with her heart

A boy ponders stares
Gazing incessantly up
Feet no longer touch

Children play in meadows
Running through the woods carefree
Parents eager, anxious

Feel the heat so near
Blinding pain strikes gradually
Losing grip on truth

— The End —