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325 · Nov 2014
he's gone.
Pualani S Nov 2014
the first day hurts,
the second one is worse.
you'll realize, he's hers
you still want it to work.
for anyone who's been left for someone else.
255 · Nov 2014
Pualani S Nov 2014
the lies you whispered in my ear
still rattle through my mind
mainly during the darkest hours,
when I lose track of time.

I wish I could forget,
yet you linger in my thoughts.
I toss, turn, and cry
hoping one day, they will stop.
246 · Nov 2014
Defining you
Pualani S Nov 2014
I've spent a lot of time
putting together
the definition
of "addiction"

after sifting through,
the fancy words
I've come to the conclusion,
that I'm addicted to you.
226 · Nov 2014
Tick Tock
Pualani S Nov 2014
time seems to have
about me..

for I am merely
a wanderer
190 · Feb 2014
True love
Pualani S Feb 2014
allow me
to be closer to you
than anyone ever has

give me your permission
to be the one to love
your diminutive flaws

i promise

that if you let
me be the one

to lie
beneath the covers
with you
that i will
every segment
of your fragile heart

i promise

to never stop hunting
for the minuscule pieces
that fell under the surface

i promise

that no matter how far
you push me
to the edge
i'll hold on

i'm nowhere near
as strong
as you are, my love

but i promise
to be the arms
that will always be
to you
Repost of a poem on my account I got locked out of
176 · Nov 2014
Still Untitled...
Pualani S Nov 2014
Enlighten me,
let me get lost
in your stunning mind.

Teach me,
who this life has molded you into,
your previous form, and your final one.
I will listen,

Help me,
understand the reason why I'm so drawn, to you
I will pay attention.

Show me,
the places you find beauty in,
for I wish to see them too.

Love me,
and I will show you the meaning of it.

— The End —