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322 · Sep 2017
Dark Eyes
Eliza Eldridge Sep 2017
His dark chocolate eyes leave me speechless, defenseless, losing control of what's around me. For the seconds his eyes should meet mine I am his. I willingly get lost in the universe held inside of him. With one look he leaves me in a trance, incapable of thinking clearly. His eyes that see when I'm upset, see past the surface, see who I truly am. Oh I could look at him for hours, drinking in his sight until I feel no more. I've never felt so alive with him, so carefree and bubbly, I've never felt so me.

If only I had realized sooner, that it was a game.

They have a new meaning. Right from the beginning he said what I wanted to hear, and I believed every word. Obsessed with his games that I were drawn into without regret. Dark eyes, they hide things you know. He got what he wanted and left me for dead. I searched the shadows of his face looking for an explanation. But alas, here I am, dropped back at the bottom with no one to turn to. If only those dark chocolate eyes were as sweet as they so seemed.
243 · Sep 2017
Eliza Eldridge Sep 2017
"Our fingerprints don't fade from the ones we touch."
                                                  -Judy Blume

I'd rather leave myself behind in this world than to take my knowledge with me. Your legacy is written by what you gave, not by what you have. When you're gone no one will remember what you bought or your paycheck. They'll remember the joy and knowledge you left them. You will be remembered for who you were and how you contributed to others. Arrogance tends to lie on money and I pity those who feel the need to have it all. A chorus is not focused on how many notes there are, but how they sing them. Perspective is key in living life as it should be lived. Once we overcome the hunger for material, shall we learn to experience our lives for greatness.
174 · Sep 2017
Eliza Eldridge Sep 2017
A hurricane so consequential that the Sun cowards behind the dark clouds. Clouds hiding the end of a historical tempest. All we have is the promise of clear skies and the hope that we'll live to see another sunny day. We pray to feel the sun against our skin; a gentle breeze dance around our bare feet on grass greener than the leaves of a fig tree which we shall sit under. Instead all that appears is a storm so malicious the people flee as though the devil himself sprang from hell. Among the destruction lies the hope of innocent victims pleading, praying, fearing for their lives. This merciless phenomenon strikes at the most unpredictable moment, engulfing civilians in a whirlwind of terror and loss. Fragments of their lives are dispersed throughout places in which they don't belong. Memories swept away as the never ending rain falls. Peoples whole lives washed away into bleak nothingness.
     In the eye of a hurricane, all stands still. Time stops, the rain stops, it all stops. Is it truly finished? Has the torment of the ocean ceased? No, the calm will last mere moments before being thrown back into the routine of chaos and an uncontrollable reign of terror. It's as though you're being held underwater and all the while you're gasping for the smallest molecule of air. Just as you're pulled back into safety, you are dragged down deeper into the abyss. The eye that never closes, it sees everything. It sees the dread and desperation. All is calm in the eye, enjoy the tranquility as it quickly passes by.
151 · Sep 2017
For You
Eliza Eldridge Sep 2017
I write because it lifts me away from reality. It cleanses my soul and leaves me purified from the chaos and corruption that dwells in reality. I write my way out of inner turmoil and stressful times; it's a therapeutic thing that is essential to my survival. However, I write not for me, but for others. I find refuge in believing I may impact at least one persons life. I hope I write enough to give hope to someone. I write to leave my thoughts in the world and inspire others. As long as I am alive I will provide this for the world. The day I do not write anything is the day I lose sight of who I truly am.
148 · Sep 2017
Eliza Eldridge Sep 2017
If only the torment had ended when you left. When you placed me on cloud nine and then pushed me off to free fall towards the ground. You watch over me like an angel of death, ready to strike at my most vulnerable moment. Have you not hurt me enough? You'll always be there to remind me of what I can't have. The paradise I can never enter, the joy I will never feel. Instead you leave me in agony, begging to see myself again. You're like an assassin spying on my life. Stalking me, preying on my emotions, never leaving me be. You must know when I feel a molecule of happiness, for you swoop down and once again cover me in your wings. Trapped is the only word to describe this hell I'm living. I long to know that sweet release, but alas I will live out my days in your maze of despair. Free me from this pain.
131 · Feb 2018
I, the Dreamer
Eliza Eldridge Feb 2018
I used to be a dreamer. I lay awake at night believing I could do great things, believing that I could be somebody. Suddenly a whirlwind of forgottenness and darkness engulfed me and I felt as though I was nothing. I thought nothing, hoped for nothing. The millions of glorious colors were all gone; fading away like a forgotten dream. My soul no longer ached for the unpredictable future and how illustrious it could be. But then then I met you. I saw you on that wondrous night and looking into your eyes I saw my dreams. I knew you were the missing piece. The features of your face reflecting everything I'd ever hoped for. You set off a spark in my heart, a wildfire in my soul. This fueled my dreams which birthed an uproarious fire of hope and adventure. I dreamt a million vivid dreams all because of you. Just you. I can see the lights in the distance, just the way I had seen it thousand of times, perfecting my daydreams until I felt content. You set off the dreams in me I had suppressed for so long. The day I lose you is the day the darkness pulls me back in, the day I fall back into the stagnant, blank abyss. The day I forget to dream will be the day I lose sight of who I truly am.
Eliza Eldridge Sep 2018
I used to be a dreamer
Suddenly darkness fell and
I thought of nothing.  
I never dreamed,
the colors were gone
My soul didn’t long for the future-
it didn’t crave adventure

But then

I met you.
I saw you on that glorious night and you set off the spark I desired
You fueled my dreams which turned into an uproarious fire taking in wishes voraciously.
I dream a million vivid dreams from the fragment of personality you’ve shown me.
The day I lose you will be the day I fall back into the stagnant waters of hopelessness.
The day I forget to dream is the day I lose sight of who I truly am

— The End —