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Jul 2014 · 603
The first day of my rule
Dear students, the summer has ended.
The school year at last has begun.
But this year is totally different.
I promise we'll never have fun.

"We will study lots of mathematics,
and classes will last all day long.
Instead of the pledge of allegiance,
we'll belt out math equations.

"We'll never play games in the classroom.
You're not welcome to bring in your toys.
It's punishable by death to run in the hallways.
It's prison for life if you make lots of noise.

"For homework, you'll 10 hours a night.
You'll have to read lots of books.
For field trips we'll go to the local library
and get lots of veggies for a few million bucks.

"The lunchroom will only serve whole wheat
overcooked veggies and boiled milk
Yes, that's what I did.
Im the king now
Jul 2014 · 599
My school now
That means "easy."
I don't make it
quite so breezy.

Learn addition.
Then subtraction.
Divide a fraction.
Spelling. Science.
Reading. Writing.
Social studies.
Speech reciting.
Testing. Testing.
Still more Testing.
Never ending testing.
No recess.
No resting.

I complained but
Got smacked on the head
with a frying pan

— The End —