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Priyam Sep 2015
They were big and young
Or at least they used to be
Fully of joy
Full of love
Like two suns that lit up with her smile
Or at least they used to be
It is all in her eyes
Or at least it used to be

But like all suns
They died out
One fall afternoon
Her smile wiped out
When tears came raiding
They drained all the joy
But love maybe they were still full of
Or at least they used to be

Now they're just empty orbs
Seeing everything but not looking
Her voice lost between her sobs
The flame of my love still fighting
To stay alive in her heart like it used to be
It is all in her eyes
Or at least it used to be
For her
  Aug 2015 Priyam
The room smells of whiskey and cigarettes
and the sweet scent of her hair.
vecchi difetti, playing in the background
to move an inch, I wouldn't dare.
Her delicate wrist, thrown across my breast
and our bare ankles sticking out of the sheet.
All I hear is her uneven breath.
The sound of my heart catching up to her beat.
I close my eyes and breathe her in
she curls up, pressed against me bare.
I open my eyes to look at my love
and as always, she isn't there.
Priyam Aug 2015
They say that nights are longer
When the calendar shows December
But here I'm on my bed, restless
Staring at the morning ember

The rays touched her naked back
They seemed to enjoy
Her hair consumed them all into its black
And I watched the light beautifully destroyed

She sang to me the night before
Our bodies moved in rhythm
Our hearts burned the endless fire
Of a passionate mayhem

But then she said she had to leave
For I was just another plaything
This short December night to be our last
Oh it was amazing

Though her words caused me endless agony
My hands left her ample *******
Up they went to her throat
Squeezing down her soft flesh

Her breath left her behind
Just like she planned to leave her toy
The rays touched her naked back
They seemed to enjoy

— The End —