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Nov 2014 · 1.1k
A dreamer,
Chasing white rabbits,
Danced with her flourescence,
Carrying smiles meant for tomorrow,
When joy had fallen far from sight.
She danced to the music of hummingbirds,
For when the rythm changes and tempo slowed,
She danced to the voice of stormy nights,
As if the stars had sent their spark
In front of half- hiden laughing moon.
Autumn dripping leaves of weary gold,
The tune of hush and shush and wush,
She danced with her one feet in the air,
And with her black shiny curls,
It seemed as if she was ready to rise.  
I still remember the way she used to dance.
Dedicated to all the dancers out there.
You are magic.
Nov 2014 · 452
Untitled Love
Best friends,
So close,
Long distance,
Million miles apart,
But dear dumb heart,
You carry on with your life,
I carry on thinking that you're mine,
Denying the truth,
What we were,
We're not anymore.
As I try to answer this unanswerable question,
I fall deeper and deeper into the trap of emotions,
But that one call,
Changes my world,
I see flowers and birds and fairies,even unicorns,
But then you don't care after you keep that phone away,
And I keep dreaming,
Why is it that we can never work it out?
Because now I'm tired of reading that chapter over and over again,
That beautiful chapter.
#lost  #love
Can't get over this person.
A lot can happen over a cup of coffee.

Her eyes twinkling like the stars in the night sky,
But he loves the way she takes a sip of her over-priced latte,
He wonder why he's infatuated with those undone maroon flocks,
No surprise, Linda's outgoing personality matches her lovely voice,
Laughter comes easy with her,
She tells her stories about life and lies,
But he's lost in those beautiful hands,
As he pledged his love that spring.

A lot can happen over a cup of coffee.

A tender touch
Her intimidating tone,
Brimmed my eyes with guilt,
As I confessed my past sins to my only friend.
'Wanting to know all', I finally started,
' I overlooked each particle, containing the whole unknowable.'
she looks into my eyes,confused.
I carry on,
'I missed love's everywhere,
Small presence, thousand-guised.
For I could not differentiate between what was wrong and what was right,
Forgive me, forgiver.'
I heard the trust break louder than the shatter of her favorite coffee mug against the floor.
' I want to know all' she said
And I finally opened.

A lot can happen over a cup of coffee.

Mind numb,
Heart dumb,
Treated like dirt,
Taken out for a cup of coffee,
With free humiliation.
Feeling so fragile and helpless,
Hiding behind his own shadow,
A single, rebel tear rolls down his eyes,
Then a revolution of them cascading down,
His face is time-chiseled and weather beaten,
Seem a bit spiritless,
As if life and old age are getting better of him,
He still wears that moth-eaten coat carrying a smell of blueberries his wife used to love.
Taken out for a cup of coffee,
An element for show off,
'Look how much I love my uncle!'
But the truth lies in those contorted fingers.

A lot can happen over a cup of coffee.

'Come my baby girl!
Let's celebrate!'
Such words coming out of a man so precious to her soul,
'But something's missing',
She says with long lost courage,
'Daddy I've regretted all the pain,
I'm exhausted now from all my thoughts,
Science is not what I desire,
My heart lives in free spirit.'
Daddy's eyes didn't blink for 20 seconds,
A portrait of a man having a cribbed Abe Lincoln beard,
The daughter is ready for rejection,
But he's thinking about all the cards she gifted " my papa, my hero",
Deciding it's time to show.

I don't know what was so special about that coffee shop.
Thank you Sonakshi , Falguni and Cheryl for encouraging me. <3

— The End —