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817 · Dec 2012
Preslie Jeans Dec 2012
I pray that someday you will realize the disaster you have caused
Overwhelming sense of hopelessness
the aggression of your storm
The tide Brought in high over Mountains
I am struggling to catch my breath
Your hatred pulls me under
I fall deep under waves of mass destruction
my world turns black
Am i drowning of pity and sorrow?
quickly a current pulls me up towards the light
i am lifted back to concrete waves
pushing and pulling back through the hard jagged rocks of  life
When will this evil end?
Washed up dreams and hopes scattered over the island
you have lost
what was given up is now taken back
You can not get back what has been washed away
As you chase after that treasured chest, I chase for your love...
You crave for all things with meaning
But i  hold the most meaningful thing of all
My heart
My love
My dignity
Never yours, forever mine
771 · Dec 2012
The Five Senses of Love
Preslie Jeans Dec 2012
Can you see?
Lips waiting, hands reaching.

Close your eyes.

Can you hear?
hearts beating, breaths taking.

Our love is alive.

Can you feel?
Our touch warming, hands closing.

Can you taste?
Sweet lips, wine swirling.

Can you smell?
Fire burning, roses growing

Senses of love.
594 · Sep 2013
Preslie Jeans Sep 2013
My heart races and my breathing stops, but only for a second. Just long enough to take it in.
Take you in.
Your smile, the warmth of your presence. The sweet smell of your skin and those eyes... Those beautiful eyes that stare back at mine. My mind numbs as I start to fall into your arms and all I can seem to think about is how incredible this is. How lucky I am to be the one that your eyes chose to see and the one your heart began to love...
577 · Dec 2012
Preslie Jeans Dec 2012
We're in a race-it's time to leave
My heart aches, my lungs scream
You grab my hand, I let you in
You burn inside-I shiver and cringe
There's no turning back and nothing to see.
I am blinded by the dark and clenching a key
Holding a lock, the other part I need, you open a path that I plan to lead. Taking my hand, I want to scream.
Your eyes stare and destroy all of me. Our love is over and you swallowed the key.
False hope rains as I start to see
The truth in your lies and what you turn out to be
A monster
You have won.
572 · Jan 2013
Life's Beautiful Lie
Preslie Jeans Jan 2013
It's one of those things that do not really have any actual trace of existence. I don't think it exists. It's just a feeling of strong infatuation. If love truly existed then there would not be people who divorce after fifty years of marriage, there wouldn't be a million broken hearts due to just one big lie.
How can you honestly say you "love" someone if it has so many different meanings to other people? There are so many different types of love, how do you know what love is true?
You don't. We just THINK we know when honestly no one has a **** clue. We're like ******* fish in a tank waiting to get fed a load of crap.
A beautiful lie.
487 · Apr 2013
Loves Scar
Preslie Jeans Apr 2013
My mind is on fire for every thought of you sparks something in me.
Something so deep that cuts into my soul and touches my heart.
You leave me breathless, forever scarring me with your love.
443 · May 2013
Change in Perspective
Preslie Jeans May 2013
It's funny how someone can just come into your life and change your whole perspective.
For a moment, all you can think about  is how wonderful this world can truly be, but then that dark day comes and in a blink of an eye something goes terribly wrong and all of a sudden, life isn't so wonderful after all...
421 · May 2013
Look Into Me
Preslie Jeans May 2013
Written in my eyes is the story of who I plan to be.
All my wants and desires beautifully written by the tears that gently run down my cheek.
Stare into these brown eyes and read into me like an open book just for your eyes to see.
Let yourself in and watch your mind paint pictures creatively.
See what I need.
A reflection.
A mirror.
that is all you see.
for all I want is you and your art of completing me.
418 · Dec 2012
Lies of the Night
Preslie Jeans Dec 2012
We sit here with our smiles -but who is really smiling
The truth is known but still... you insist on hiding.
Your eyes lie, I must be blind
for you have said how you feel a thousand times.
We lay here in the sheets of regret, as the sun slowly creeps away.
Taking with it the true happiness that lays between our retched ways.
I am motionless, you fall under sleep.
My brain starts to wonder, what this truly means.
You grab me, still and hold me tight and for a moment I forget the uneasy feeling- the calmness of the night.
356 · Mar 2013
Love's Creation
Preslie Jeans Mar 2013
Your lips are like pen writing a story upon the canvass of my body, tracing every inch and curve that creates me.
For who I am you have outlined my soul, sculpted me and made me whole.
More alive I have become, you fill in all that is empty making me the person I want to be.
You have made me.

— The End —