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At times I shut myself
In a shell of loneliness,
It's when I search for
My own existence....
It's when I feel that,
Whole world's fake...
The smiles around,
The love expressed,
The care offered....
Everything is fake
I hibernate in a cocoon...
And wake up as a butterfly...
To live for another few days...
Believing the fakes...
As they are ultimate truth...
Sometimes you stop listening
voice of your soul.....
Its when someone steals your soul
and refuse to return it back....

I too lost my soul a few hours back,
And dont know who took it away....
May be God would have stolen it,
And i am waiting to get it back....
He redefined my life,
He taught me to love myself,
By loving my imperfections,
And loving me the way I am.

I inhaled the breath he exhaled,
Being in his arms kept me alive.
I remained safe in the warmth,
Of his chest, fragranced by  sweat.

I slept listening to the lullaby of,
His heart beats....And slept,
The most beautiful sleep of life,
A sleep which never broke....
When my heart breaks,
It breaks silently...
Not letting the one to know,
You broke something.

When my eyes fill,
It fills slowly. ..
Not letting others see it,
And ask me why.....

All nights I finish off,
Sticking the pieces...
So that someone else
Could break it again. ...
I'm frozen in time,
When I'm back to present,
We'll meet again,
Till then, takecare, love you.....
People come and cross your way,
And pretend to be close to you,
Keeping their own hopes on you,
Telling you daily that they care you.

They enter slowly on your way,
Walk by your side holding you tight,
Inner aim is not to slip on the way,
And if slips and falls, can grab you.

You hold them tight and right,
Their mind read through their eyes,
Won't let them guess you know it,
You simply remain great and smile.
The rain is in, with the breeze,
Spraying water on me with care
Wetting my hair and cheeks,
With fine drops of nature’s love.

Rains make me smile, reminding
The best nostalgic moment of past,
Locking me to the childhood days,
Which seeded love to the life.

I know rain as the noisy campanion,
Of a lonely wandering teenager,
Dropping from the green leaves,
Dancing on my window pane.

I know rain as  a muscian, playing
Notes on my roof top during,
Wee hours of night, when,
Crickets are awake, rest asleep.

I love the rains, which touch,
The ground and merge to the sand,
Evoke the fragrance of Mother earth,
To heal the wounds without scars.
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