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Jun 2014 · 669
Today's Diary
She is too ill today
Not a day to feel poetic
Virus laid fever’s prey
Pray work the antibiotic.

Her eyes today in weakness closed
Her head sunk in pillow
Verses are dry in a mind morose
Pains her face in fever’s glow.

At six o’clock I whispered to her
Time for the antibiotic
She saw me in a hazed blur
Not a word she could speak.

Teatime came she didn’t get up
I still made it for two
In trembling hand she held the cup
She couldn’t refuse my brew.

Gnaws me despair when she’s ill
Still a novice at basic kitchen work
Never learned the skill to make the day’s meal
Where are things I ***** in the dark.

She says feels no good to lie down like this
My fever is gone with the sweat

I know for anything she would ever miss
Seeing me off at the gate!
Jun 2014 · 565
So little bared yet
She wore below a knee length skirt
reaching neck above cleavage
love at those times was quite an art
for romance was the golden age!

Little was revealed of her tender skin
closed knees she sat pulling frock
what mystery was it that lay within
that tempted teen heart to unlock!

Most revealed was her dark bare feet
her ribboned hair oiled crow black
when she walked stopped heartbeat
knees grew weak and slack!

She was the girl the most beautiful
the girl that bared not much
a girl to be sought breaking all the rule
I could die for her just one touch!
Jun 2014 · 355
Without ever telling
There's something I couldn't tell you
remained in the heart all along
something that is though long overdue
never made it to the tongue!

Yet I am sure by now you know
have read its mark on my eyes
the ripened feel seasons mellowed
revealed through all the disguise!

Don't know why could never tell it
like the way in ease lovers speak
though it's what says my heartbeat
ever failing to reach the tongue's tip!

Unspoken though hidden in the breast
what in stories two lovers easily say
without ever telling its show manifest
I couldn't have it told to this day!
Jun 2014 · 614
Small & Big
a small man dies somewhere
he doesn't make news
they are no news
herds of small men dying everyday.

big men only capture the headlines
big politicians big deceivers
no petty thieves or pickpockets
but swindlers of nations

you are awed by the headlines
the big bold letters
big disasters mishaps
genocide mass extinction

and may miss in one corner
a news of a man of no imprint
a small man's death in small print

an ill-paid half starved courier
his head crushed by a brick somewhere
not a thief nor a beggar
but looking forever
an address to deliver
going from door to door
with his back breaking loads
on alien bylanes and roads
where someone suspecting him a thief
broke his head with a brick

the small man in his death
made it to the news
only if you noticed it
from under big prints.
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Lychee blackberry of sweetest variety*
Shouts the vendor
They look juicily nice
But when I ask the price
Find it too high.

Why them forgone
Summer’s yields live short
I lay my hand on one
They are money’s worth.

And I think of my place
In next year’s summer days
What if I vacate this space

Nothing forever stays.
Jun 2014 · 463
A Secret
Not even a crow should know
what now in you I confide
turning his voice too low
he drew him closer to his side.

The listener strained his ears hard
nodded his head in assent
he wouldn't divulge one word
of the secret shared that moment.

Soon his face started showing crease
his belly bulged like balloon
he started feeling ill at ease
the burden was no boon.

He told his wife *what now I say
not be passed to another ear
mustn't see the light of day
keep to yourself only my dear.

The secret did her badly tease
made her silent morose
she couldn't breathe without release
must tell someone her close.

The secret spread like forest fire
were talking too many men
winds breathed it in the air
sun shone on it poured rain!
Jun 2014 · 474
Songs of the Old Gardener
He scared the **** out of me
as he stretched his hands in invitation
and I would cry like hell
no no no........

The old gardener in between his toils
would come to our house for a glass of water
his thirst quenched would sing to me

baby I mean no harm no harm
come to me with love baby come to my arm
will take you on my shoulder
fetch you god's boon
will steal the stars for you
on your forehead paint the moon!

come baby just for once I really mean no harm
this heart longs for your silken touch
your caress tender warm

will fly you to the land of moon
lift you on feathered wings
fetch for you the god's boon
treasures of the seven kings!

my heart aches for you baby
my love rides high tide
in my arms be ever with me
don't from me go hide

will bring you the season's first shower
on your palm the morning dew
pluck for you the most fragrant flower
the arch of rainbow hue!

When I close my eyes can still hear
a child's no no no
and regret was lost in his fear
from a broken heart love's flow.

It was not till I had grown in years
and the gardener was long gone
mother told me he showered me cares
for I reminded him of his son.
Jun 2014 · 343
Since when
we have agreed
to agree all the time?
Jun 2014 · 601
Two Lovers & A City
Let’s be lovers again on the Belvedere
Hand in hand we would climb the stairs
Then fly to the past in our memories’ wings
To that timeless space where duelled Hastings!

Let’s be lovers again in that time spectral
On Victoria’s lawn her memorial
In the autumn’s white blue horizon
Under the bronzed face of Curzon!

Let’s be lovers again in our revived heart
In wind kissed skin on the Prinsep Ghat
See the sun go down on the west bank low
Coloring our eyes in the river’s glow!

Let’s be lovers again in the garden of Kyd
Where under the banyan love poems we read
Take a boat sail to the south upstream
Where the Hugli flows in the Bay’s dream!

Why can’t we be lovers like the olden time
Where landed Charnock in the humid clime
That grew to a city with three villages to start
And etched forever in two lovers’ hearts!
Belvedere House - Alipore, Calcutta, former palace for the Viceroy of India and the Governor General of Bengal, now houses the National Library.
Warren Hastings - first Governor General of Bengal (1772-85), he had wounded Sir Phillip Francis in a duel in the lawn of Belvedere.
Victoria Memorial - built by Lord Curzon, then Viceroy of India to the memory of Queen Victoria (1819-1901), built between 1906-1921.
Prinsep Ghat - built on the riverbank of Hugli in memory of James Prinsep,  English scholar, orientalist and antiquary.
Ghat - riverbank
Kyd - Colonel Robert Kyd (1746-93), a British army officer in India who founded the Botanical Garden, Calcutta in 1787. The garden has one of the oldest banyan trees in the world.
Hugli - Hugli river, tributary of the Ganges
Bay - Bay of Bengal
Charnock - Job Charnock (1630-92), administrator of the English East India Company, regarded as the founder of the city of Calcutta starting with three villages Sutanuti, Gobindapur and Kalikata.
p.s. I was born, grew up and loved in Calcutta now known as Kolkata, the City of Joy.
Jun 2014 · 299
Let there be light
Even where there is no darkness
we will create one.
Jun 2014 · 932
Call it by any name
You can call it reliance
You can call it faith
When two souls span the distance
Stick as lifelong mate!

You can call it miracle
You can call it a chance
When four eyes joyous sparkle
Beginning with first glance!

You can call it fate
You can call it nuts
Only they know the secret
In love united hearts!

Call it by any name
Its reach is boundaryless
When touched by its warm flame
Springs fountain of happiness!
Jun 2014 · 505
A Requiem for June
They smile and push each other
Glistening teeth in life’s rough weather
Got nothing more to give than hearty smiles
From rustic children to the traveler of miles!

Childishly embarrassed is the unclothed kid
So small his world so little his need
He bows his face views the lens with shame
The faraway boy without a name!

In my frame is revealed her beautiful face
Where from she gets such benign happiness
In tattered skirt with unoiled rusty curl
There never was on earth a more beautiful girl!

For a while they bask in the sudden arrived fest
With a stranger in June a waylaid stray guest
Who would move further south to be with the sea
Soon forget those children he photoed under a tree!
Jun 2014 · 419
For us bred
Fluffy cute chicks
barely two weeks
huddled in one small space

for men's bowel bred
scared and afraid
their minds are a jumble of mess!

Readied for a ride
to the river's other side
ferried on a small wooden boat

where the market
will decide their fate
finding kind home is remote!

Those chicks that are dead
will sink to riverbed
the living will leave them behind

I can only mourn
pray they are never born
as victims of greed cruelly blind!
my banner photo
Jun 2014 · 438
If you have in mind to give someone a gift
Love or just anything to bring a cheer’s lift
Don’t defer do it now before it’s too late
A time may come bitter to leave you in regret!

Don’t keep deferring a gift by pondering over it
Or thinking it can further wait in time’s endless pit
Tomorrow it may so happen that the one in mind is gone
Without ever having your gift leaving that work undone!

If you have in mind to gift someone a thing or two
Keep it not in abeyance make the now its time to do
Next time is a long time so it may never leave your heart
You delayed the gift too long and chance was swift to depart!

Once the wish grows in mind to give someone a gift
Hurry for tides may change sands may go for a shift
Do it now get it done and treasure the receiver’s smile
So you don’t have to regret the rest of your walking mile!
They gasped for breath in that dark dungeon cell
A hundred and sixty six men huddled in black hell
In that hole of Fort William eighteen by fourteen
The screaming souls realized next morn wouldn’t be seen.

Two tiny windows were all there was high up on the wall
Slowly passed that night of June hung in deadly lull
Water water they wailed their throats were desert dry
The summer heat poured in sweats as the tears of their cry.

Two women were among them they were the first to go
Suffocated by lack of air their breathing began to slow
Was dying Tom’s fiancée and he wrung his sweated shirt
If could revive his moisture’s drop save life of sweetheart.

One by one they collapsed amid the buzz of death’s din
Begging for a drop of water in despair drinking *****
The dead stood on their feet there wasn’t a space to fall
Survived only forty three men among them Holwell!

In the history it’s known as the tragedy of black hole
With many riddles still misty the Bengal Nawab’s role
Account of that summer night the ghastly horror’s tale
It’s now known was exaggerated by Commander Holwell.
On 20 June 1756, as per the account of Holwell, out of the 166 Britons imprisoned at the order of Bengal's Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah 123 perished in a tiny dungeon cell at Fort William in the city of Calcutta among them soldiers and civilians. The incident became known as the Black Hole of Calcutta. He reported only 43 survived. However later history with further researches prove his account was grossly exaggerated.
Jun 2014 · 566
Rhymes of Football
Net to net rolls the ball
with the feet fast they scroll
the kicks find the bar too small
too hard to score a goal!

Sweats it out the forward
saves it tough the one at back
like a fort he must guard
not allow a crack!

On the grass no guide or map
rely on footwork skill
pierce the defense find the gap
go for the lethal ****!

The ball if once finds the net
stop breath a million soul
mourns the side in sealed fate
the air is rend with GOAL!!!!
World Cup Football 2014: a forethought.
Jun 2014 · 523
A Few Seasons
I strolled to the park after a long time
In between passed some seasons
Hunted there for meaningful rhymes
Give the ink’s flow some reasons!

The place didn’t look exactly like before
The trees seemed to grow taller dark
The buds had flowered fruits now they bore
New lovers had arrived in the park!

The faces I knew were not passing by
The poets the revelers and the crooks
A despair grew I let off a sigh
Had disappeared my frequented nooks!

Old pairs were gone surfaced new teens
Wind carried raw mango’s scent
Mowers had changed known faces of greens
With only a few seasons spent!

Nests up the trees were clearly redone
Peeked out from them new pairs
Children that came to the park for fun
Had must now grown long hairs!

I searched the park from the seasons rolled
And when I reached her quiet stream
My face told me though I had grown old
remained clung to all the past’s dream!
Jun 2014 · 312
Of shame she dies
In her eyes
on her frail frame
four monsters feast

Of shame she dies
vanishes her name
devoured by the beasts!
Jun 2014 · 397
One Stop Shop
Traveler for awhile stop
Before on your way you go
Peep into my shop
See what’s on show.

For you prettily done
Of the finest stardust
Smile laughter fun
Faith care and trust.

The items let your fingers scroll
Choose what you really need
Under rainbow a leisurely stroll
Or only the devil’s speed.

There’s a brush too and the dye
For when you find clouds above
To make your own blue sky
Fill it with hope and love.

For you too a candle light
If your way is strewn in dark
A heart’s poem for vigil of night
When sleepless you embark.

Traveler for awhile stop
Before on your way you go
Peep into my shop
See what’s on show.
Jun 2014 · 360
Her Offer
every morn
she does me a favor

my gracious savior
offers me a steaming cup
of her love's flavor!
Jun 2014 · 669
She comes back but not like this
In dreamscape most part I miss
Without contour ethereal

But last night she was so real!

I miss you ma where have you been
With you son always within
Showed up too in all these years
In your smiles in all your tears!

We walked together hands clung tight
Cheek on cheek in rain washed light
It was only joy that beamed her face
Being with son in reunion’s happiness!

She smiles to me *I wasn’t ever gone
A mother leaves not stays back in her son
I live through you one blood one part
As all the love you feel at heart!
Jun 2014 · 902

tends cows in the field
her hairs deep wisps in the wind
her dark skin
an unfathomed mist
her perfume
rice washed
her feet
conqueror of wild grass

she tends cows in the field
a warrior in the wild wind
an autumn of all seasons
runs self willed
floats on the field
over her clouds gather
there isn't a match for her
in her cracked glass mirror
she is two
one a wild warrior
with a face only the wind loves
and the other
weather beaten
by fate cursed
but dreaming...

in some heart somewhere
for her
love is nursed!

May 2014 · 1.1k
yet we breathe
yet we breathe

carrying like medals
tokens of being alive
food clothes
needs more and more
coming in and out of door
sleeping awake
through midlife blues
lost jobs
broken hearts
unkept vows
groping in the dark
dim-lit days
cathartic nights
masked social
torn in the upheaval
tearing within
making poems our ailment's remedy
our ink's flow
a placebo
the poet's might
a myth.

yet we breathe.
power to forget is beyond us.
for maria.
May 2014 · 314
When you need it most
You may not need it when sun shines bright
Not goes wrong one rhythm or rhyme
You need it most with no hope on sight
Love you need in the hardest of times.
May 2014 · 808
Belief & Coincidence
Deciding to carry a plastic bag
was all I needed
for a spark of belief!

It was raining hard
and I saw a gain
in carrying it
for my experience told
people in the bus don't find it funny
when drip on them
raindrops from my umbrella.

There was one window seat empty
as if in wait for me
itself drenched in the pour
upon which the plastic bag I spread
reflecting on the divine design
god's kind grace
in protecting me in warm dryness
when in that ******* relief
was born in the atheist's mind
a belief!
May 2014 · 657
He throws me an angry glance
his countenance says he is cross
I've given you enough chance
no more I should growls the boss!

Everyday you come to work late
and you haven't dearth of excuse
traffic no buses long wait
always you think up some ruse!

The last one to report for works
the first one to leave the office floor
if you can't come on time he barks
for you is wide open my door!

Make good the time that's lost
beyond office hours late stay
must recover your pay's full cost
and not feel I am cheated each day!

I play on him the last trick
can't do it sir at any rate
being guided by one logic

*shouldn't ever be twice late!
May 2014 · 712
Soap froth sprays in the air
Up down up down it goes
Rhythmic swings don’t care
If the detergent smells of rose!

She has to cleanse all dirt
Rub off the dourest stain
In it she puts her heart
Thereby forgets own pain!

Rises the lever up far
Swoops down fast with a thud
Rainbow bubbles scatter around her
She knew not when staled a rosebud!

In the tub water her ocean
She squeezes the wetness dry
She knows only this motion
Got no time to look at the sky!

Now in the sun she must spread
Fabric of brightness on sight
Her own life’s long lost thread
Is buried in the hush of night!

Does she remember the broken oaths
Her life never nurtured in sun
Worn out as all her washed clothes
Faded like all the years gone!
May 2014 · 628
I beg a poem in my head
Past day’s slog for the bread
From the sky above the deserted street
I beg a poem in my head.

A sparky thought from congealed weariness
Then rises from the pave
And in starlight as I follow its trace
A night warrior is reborn from day’s slave!

Its grace saves the mind chiseled arts
Rejuvenates the dreamer for another day
Forgotten is all the pain all that hurts
From breaking point life comes back to stay!

From the hungry eyes’ glow down below
From the heavens above me spread
From the unseen nocturnes of tomorrow
I beg a poem in my head.
May 2014 · 609
Homing Bird
I have been to verdant hills
watch moonrise on sea at gloam
nothing compares to what it feels
when I am back to my home.

Have trekked faraway mountain pass
caravaned on rolling desert
gone to icy heights where grows no grass
coming home I found my heart.

When travel bug bites my feet
eyes beg for the unseen shore
I wander far but soon retreat
beckons me sweet home's door.

I roam the unknown in wanderlust
weary of the cramped furlong
but end of day in twilight dust
feel the home is where I belong.
May 2014 · 477
She comes to my mind
On its sleepy stairs
The pond weaves me a dream

She comes to my mind
Like twin moon on still water
A pallid reflection
Broken to fragments
In wind’s touch
Sinking into muddy depth
Till a fish breath bubble
Catches a miniature moon

The night whispers
Too soon too soon
She’s gone to the stars!

On its sleepy stairs
The pond weaves me a dream
When moonlight bares
In my eyes
Night dew's gleam!
May 2014 · 652
From Me to Me
Poetry starts and ends with me
it's as far as it should go
between me and me
unshackled free
tilling the mind
shoveling the dirt
all mine
each part of it
bitter sweet
poem's words
even if unlettered unstructured
lacking grace finesse
all mine
I own them
each line
to save me
my self
never writing with the worry
out there is a jury
reading analyzing
liking disliking
but me
and me
knowing that's the length it travels
between me and me
and that's enough of a journey
for my poetry.
I bow to Poet Stephen E Yocum who has inspired this write.
"It was written and intended all for me, from the beginning.
Which is what all writer's and poets should always do,
write for themselves not a Jury. There is a real freedom in that."
Stephen E Yocum
This great poet is a must read.
May 2014 · 393
Summer's additions
can no longer cope
with my winter's deductions!
May 2014 · 550
Today is the Time
I’ll see what’s birthed from your mind
I’ll read as much as poetry
Today I’ll make time from grind
Who knows what tomorrow will be!

I’ll look for the face of your write
I’ll walk your traveled distance
Today I’ll search in your light
Your thoughts’ all hidden nuance!

I’ll peep into each poem you paint
I’ll delve for the pearls within them
Today some time I’ll rent
To catch your passion’s revealed flame!

Today is the time must grab it
Explore your mind’s tapestry
Of love heartbreak and wit
Who knows what tomorrow will be!
May 2014 · 410
A Summer Day at the Zoo
I don’t get it into my head
She says
Why in this scorching summer
We’re at the zoo gate.

There wasn’t a soul at the counter
Except the heat lulled ticketman
And before him a man and a woman
Arm-in-arm companion!

What’s the pleasure
Of staring at half-starved animals
Counting times in caged dooms
She fumes.

Don’t mind the weather
I tell her
Get it into your head
We’re here to be together.

Let’s find a tree’s shade
We sing in chorus
*Let’s go ahead
To rebuild a place
For two old lovers!
May 2014 · 336
I have no words for so many things.

when god's brush slips from his hand
his colors splatter over the sky
the joy it brings in an autumn morn
as swims gaily white rafts on blue ocean
I find no words

for then my emotions
leave me for the kingdom of mountains
of many shapes and faces
landing only when
the sweet waft of jasmine
reminds of the anchor on this shore
where my root drinks soil's nectar
when filled to the brim
rests in melancholic dream
under homing bird sky
for a home
away from this home!
May 2014 · 469
Ghost Story
The thing I hate most
is when I have to switch off the light
paving way for ghosts
to rule my night!

When moonbeam peeped through window
night revealed her in the most beauteous glory
I would not fall asleep in that half-lit glow
till ma told me the eeriest ghost story!

She would tell me about imps and ghouls
the ones that roam to find if a child is sleepless
of spirits no more bound by earthly rules
moving in the hollows in faceless face!

There were ghosts good and crooks
souls that died in unfulfilled lust
their shadows crept in the dark nooks
their sighs echoed with the wind's gust!

I could feel their breath catch their whiff
the lurking bones lying for me in wait
that would not spare me even in my sleep
till they turned me their netherworld's mate!

To this day I feel a deadly gloom
pause before I put out the light
what if finding me alone in a room
visit me the fears of the night!
May 2014 · 385
A Murder
On the floor mat stains of blood are still not dry
The hole at back of head now clogged with blood clot
The body lies on its face the room is filled with her cry
The sleuth is hot on the trail to unravel the plot.

In solving such crimes the sleuth has spent a long stint
He has been through cases simple and macabre
Now as he examines on the windowsill a footprint
His lips break into a faint smile noticing the odd affair.

He moves to her saying I know how shattering your pain is
And I’ll not add to it by questions that at this moment hurt
Please be composed and point out when something I miss
I’ll recount the events as told by you from the start.

Last night your husband had come back unusually late
From your room you had drowsily heard his movement
He hadn’t come to you and his room too was soon quiet
Found him dead next morn as I gather from your statement.

You say ma'am you remember having closed that window
After you had your dinner and retired for the night
Someone got access through it and delivered him the blow
With the flower vase on the showcase with all his might.

So an outsider must have entered in the cover of the dark
Some enemy business rival that would love to see him dead
Only thing remaining unexplained is the windowsill’s footmark
Pointing the intruder had gone out through it and not entered.

It points too ma'am the culprit if entered from outside
Came not through the window but came in by the door
Even the worst of murderers their trails cannot hide
They leave some clue as visible as this body on the floor.

What happened is when last night he came home late drunk out
Poured on you his hatred’s venom you couldn’t stand anymore
I had enquired from your neighbor who had heard you shout
Go back and spend the night with that ******* *****.

She breaks down and her sobbing face is now ashen white
I hate to tell you the ******* was never a loving husband
In drunken brawl when he called me a **** on last night
I banged his head with the vase with full might of my hand.

I stole out of the window to leave thereupon a foot mark
Got in through the door feeling unburdened and light
No trace of guilt touched me as I lay in the dark
Dialed the police when ended my happiest night.

You can now give me up to the law having known the fact
I am ready for it in the delight that I did grab the chance
To let myself free from that devil and his wedlock’s pact
I won’t mind if I die now having achieved this great riddance.

The sleuth’s lip broke in smile as he gave her a knowing wink
I too ma'am am delighted to rightly track and follow the clue
But let me tell you I’m yet to discover this case’s missing link

Since your hand’s print is not on the vase
who was it that did it for you!
May 2014 · 3.5k
Under the amber sky she flows as far as the sea
her bank on the other side is shrunk as eye can see
I have seen joys rise like tide tears mingle in hers
she is Ganga the one river mother of all rivers.

On her ceaseless journey from high up to the bay
melts snow in her flow springs life from her clay
worshiped as holy mother yet spoiled by her sons
she is ravaged time again slayed by evil demons.

For ages she has nurtured life tilled green her shore
around her have sown hopes its timeless folklore
her soils have sculpted cornfields and images of goddess
she is now an ebbing tide end's shadows on her face.

Hear once her moaning waves her ripples' silent sigh
from the silts clogging her breast her beds going dry
dying groans of the mother poisoned in effluent
choked by her people's waste killed without relent.
May 2014 · 444
Keeping a Promise
When I left home
I left there a piece of my mind
What it keeps saying to me
Robs my peace of mind

Your attention not paid
For her cat clawed cut
Asking her if it still hurts
Should have got her a band-aid

Defocused out of sight
Forgot so much from last night

Never asked once
If by any chance
Her feet’s ache still remains

If she in her morn’s walk
Felt the pain
And she was home before the rains

I think of asking her all these
The questions I left behind
Some more some more

Then in the evening
As she opens the door
I remember some
Forget more

Maybe not even one
I can remember
The pains of her
Inside outside

At night by her side
Promise her
I’ll not be forgetful

See her clawed thumb-head
Plastered with band-aid
Her feet swollen

And she promises
She will not go out in the rain again.
May 2014 · 405
When you first met her
seemed she was for you made
your wait was now over
time had come to go ahead!

Most beautiful girl was she
for holding hand and walk
she was heavenly
was yours by good luck!

How those times flew
with her on windy sail
before you knew her well
she had grown too stale!

She wasn't all that nice
you didn't understand
what made you pay the price
to love her ask her hand!

It started with a tiff
then frequent quarrel
soon you reached the cliff
time with her was hell!

From her you grew aloof
she wasn't for you made
being under the same roof
burned fire in your head!

Soon you parted way
for you had strayed far
rued that ******* day
when you fell in love with her!

Can you tell me why
love dies we part our way
once more we don't try
to love her like first day!
May 2014 · 293
Way to go
What do I make of my poetry?

quill the sorrows within


the joys around me!
May 2014 · 318
What does one need to do to be remembered?

as for me
I would ever remember
how she watered the plants through the summers.
May 2014 · 435
waves of sadness
they recede with time
but come back!
Half of my sky is sun
and I'm on the run
in the dream
of catching him!

*Why follow me o cloud
blow the storm rough
before breaks your dark shroud
I have to reach the other half.

I can see on the mountain peak
hope's flame is still not ember
love her eyes still speak
loving my blood remembers.

O cloud my purpose here is undone
am yet to reach the mountain peak
hold your veil and let me run
to where love her eyes still speak.
May 2014 · 235
The Known Happiness
I welcome the known happiness
Felt in the past somewhere in time
When again they show up their face
I know them from their trodden roads’ grime!

I welcome the known happiness
That once visited my address
When they are back on my door
After years’ recess!

Welcome old happiness I tell them
Hug them and dust off their travels’ grime
It’s not dead yet is burning the flame
Of my hope you would be back one more time!

They stay with me like good old mates
Tell me they regret they were off for so long
Hail me for having not closed mind’s gates
Then leave me leaving the trail of their song!
May 2014 · 3.0k
Animate Inanimate
The house yawned at him

as he trudged to the gate
a warm wind rose from his bowel
and tore his heart out

the walls reflected an emptiness
as if they too mourned with him
the one face less
the one soul pouring heart's all kindness
forever gone

paused the son
his eyes grew wet with moisture of rain

the house would never be the same again!
May 2014 · 1.1k
Broken Leg Jackdaw
The broken leg jackdaw
he lost his greed with his leg

now saintly dumb
it's enough if he gets a crumb
complains not when foodless
knowing by his creator's grace
he would be given the span
this world needs his breath for
would live to run the length
in his lone leg's strength
felled by no deadly harm
till ends his term

The broken leg jackdaw
stands on the cornice
in peace
and his jet-black eyes
are deep and wise!
May 2014 · 2.7k
Crab Passions
I fall for her crab passions.

Her embracing chelae
Even when unhug
Surround me when she’s away
It breathes in me poetry
It makes me feel
What I want to be
Unmaking the dull and drab
Setting a mood
That this world is good
Still worth living
And the leaving
Will just be the frame
And the reward
That one word’s
most beautiful emotions!

I fall for her crab passions.
May 2014 · 211
So it happens
often we love them more
after we give them up.
in love.
May 2014 · 451
Asking for too much
When it’s summer I pray for cold
In the winter sulk for warm touch
When I was a kid longed to be old
I’m always asking for too much.

When it’s money want of it more
It’s always for good times I search
I want the rains to stop torrent's pour
I’m always asking for too much.

I want my woman to be a *** queen
Want her always hot on my urge
Her smiles I notice can't read her pain
I’m always asking for too much.

I want smooth sailing life’s steady flow
A decent job and a nest for night’s perch
See on her face shine a happy glow
I’m always asking for too much.

I want all my poems earn your read
Desire it’s them only you search
I do only care for my ego’s need
I’m always asking for too much.
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