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Jan 2015 · 1.9k
Who is this poet?
Who is this poet?

Is he faithful to his poetry
as good as pretends to be
or his heart is ever on the darkside
nowhere near of what he writes.

Who is this poet?

Is his hat real or fake
he’s weak and easily breaks
he aims only to teach
never follows all that he preach.

Who is this poet?

Is he really that sweet
joyous and good as his wit
does he expose truly his heart
or the real he hides behind his art.

Who is this poet?

Does he have in him
all his painted dream
the lover’s happiness
he does profess.

Who is this poet?

Is at heart he's that pure
what with words he conjures
or all them are just his arty wile
he's merely spinning tales in style.
the lens turned to self.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Yellow and Red
Neath the shy January sun
she turns a butterfly
upon the marigold field

Flies now wildly far
amid the yellow and red flower
beyond the bounds of the catcher
in the madness of a child’s dream fulfilled
leaving wind scattered trails of her wings
over the marigold field!
my cover photo.
searching her since.
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
When I feed the birds
A peace permeates my heart
lights gleam in my eyes
when I feed the little birds
feel all darkness soon dies.

Disappear chunks of my woes
a smile breaks on my lips
as I hold them warm n close
my fingers kiss their beaks.

A bliss they give without price
that dissolve my aches n pains
when I look deep in their eyes
touch there a divine innocence.

In rough tides my solace
rescuer from life’s quicksand
they import me a happiness
while pecking from my joyous hand.
Jan 2015 · 2.3k
the world turns never so dark

light is seen
only with closed eyes.
i'm fed up with isms and faiths and dogmas with apparently lofty goals in effect battering humanity.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
in the glare of space and light
she feels a terrifying fright

but soon her cramped wing
brushing aside the fencing
***** the wind into it

her little breast heartbeat
pumps all blood into vein

so they never hear her tweet again.

she flies not far
when the blaze swoops on her
and night's chill turns her into dust!
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
Ephemeral 2
I come to life
when the rain stops
and the sun
fires a light in me

my pearly heart
beats happily
swaying with the wind's song

your life would be forever long

I glisten in the belief

a raindrop on a leaf
inspiration: my cover photo
Jan 2015 · 860
A Reflection
at the mirror above the wash basin
i pause at my reflection

in spectacles and muffler
is a face familiar

where have i seen him, where?

i remember it was beamed on tv, newspaper
made headlines for some days
before on an early dawn

he was quietly snuffed out.

from the mirror
i make a hasty retreat

so closely resembles my face

with that terrorist!

back on the writing table

i ponder

if the resemblance
goes beyond the face!
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
there's almost always
an ambiguity
between what my words mean
and what my mind intends them to mean.

like, with loving intention, i tell her
i can't praise you enough

she smells a ploy in praise and enough.

she interprets them as
she hasn't done enough to deserve my praise.

then, when i tell her
with age you're maturing in beauty

she takes them to mean
i'm digging at her age
and her beauty is in doubt.

last, but not the least
when i compliment her thus
you've made my life full

she retorts

no more fooling.
Jan 2015 · 833
Verrier Elwin
around the hut gathered a crowd
the Englishman had made them proud
by taking an Indian wife.

what kinda man he could be
a white skin yet unhesitatingly
embraced a native's life.

they viewed him with awe
to his kin a flaw
living and loving in a thatched house.

he was a bishop's son
that made an alien land his own
and Kosibai, a Gond woman, his spouse.
Verrier Elwin (1902-1964), one of the rare European anthropologists to assimilate into non-European society in order to have a thorough understanding of the other peoples. An Oxford-educated theologian turned anthropologist, born into the family of a clergyman, Elwin joined the Christian Service Society mission to India in 1927. In the course of his proselytising, he converted himself to an ‘Indian’.
Gond, tribal hill people of central India.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
life is far better
in not having an answer
and reaching
a dead end.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
The Questioner
when you go to that lane
where the houses are graves
their rooms only pain
shadows' dark waves

where winds pause morose
light is barred
closed doors and windows
keep sunshine debarred

where walls are deadened
reeking of moss
the way is a dead end
weighed with cross

you would meet a hollow face
covered in hood
who would ask *all these days
you did what good.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
A Mid Noon Nonsense Rhyme
At the mid noon hour
above the cell tower
over two frolicking kite
swoops a plane on flight.

It has grazed the sky
spotless and dry
smelling ground cavorts
nigh is airport.

Amid wind's flutter
diurnal moon quarter
eyes droop to a rest
weighed with dreams' harvest.

The plane port bound
is circling on a round
waiting landing call
slowing to a crawl.

Love this time alone
up from dirt and grime
fiddling my cellphone
keying nonsense rhyme.
Jan 2015 · 3.7k
Why Else
is your faith so fragile
you **** to protect it?
no notes necessary
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
The older she gets
She’s brewing like rich wine
the older she gets
her each added faceline
my eyes satiates.

She’s huing like violets
purpling is her soul
tho older she gets
she's never too ole.

She’s frothing like nectar
honeying in core
feels endless this affair

I’m loving her more.
Jan 2015 · 7.4k
A Poet's Pleasure
in the pleasure of discovering
words rhymes rhythms
i'm a gluttonous poet.

day and night
bite of my growing appetite
makes me sink low

i don't notice
broken pieces
shattered peaces
around me

i breathe in writing
eat and drink

crazed obsessed stressed
my poetry
like any other debauchery
is an escape ride
someplace to hide

i'm a poet
to the pleasures of words rhymes rhythms.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Enough If
You reflect in befuddled wonder
is it the time to be happy or morose
when is reached that page of calendar
where the year comes to a close.

There isn't much you could do about it
there isn't much you could hold
you tried though your every bit
not all pages were written in gold.

It's enough if you remained fit and agile
it's enough if you got a few smiles
it's enough if you could travel all the miles
you stumbled but walked all the while.

It's enough if you hid some of your pain
your bleeding you kept to yourself
it's enough if once without thinking of gain
you offered a stranger your help.

Little you could do to change the events' course
but you tried and it matters no less
it's enough if you've used your little resource
to make this world a better place.
our little good deeds would be enough to save this world from sinking.
a repost.
A Happy New Year to all fellow poets on hp.
Dec 2014 · 949
But for our dreams
we would have been pauper.
Dec 2014 · 699
Long After
she broke the mist
peered from the east
in mesmerizing pace
shrunk her obsidian face
haloed in pearly ornament
the readily yielding firmament
climbed the cotton spire
set meridian afire

and then

to put her beauty at rest
declined to west
leaving her robe silken white
on the delirious night

I remembered

dawn is not far
and she's in my memory

a lingering scar.
Dec 2014 · 701
Essence of Love
youth is just dormant
in my old cell
that stirs in her hair's
tempting oil smell

neurons are silent
taking quiet break
whiffs of her scent
and they're awake

shed much my plume
the heart is still warm
her late night perfume
fails not to charm

i've gotten wise
strengthened patience
now more than eyes
rely on sense.
Dec 2014 · 527
When Hungry
Famished  ***** cat

hunger gnaws
must break laws
fill her tummy flat

She isn't long fed

smell of fish
stokes her wish
must steal her bread

Makes she no sound

stealthy paw
knows no flaw
when treads on ground

They have enough

do not care
do not share
makes her life tough

Poor ***** cat

cracking bone
crumble groan
cries her stomach

Blows her breath hard

must save soul
find a hole
way to cupboard
Dec 2014 · 697
If you have to 2
s                                                                ­­                                                      n   u                                                                ­­                                         i
   r                                                                ­­                             h
     r                                        ­                       ­                 t
     e                                                               u
      n                                                n
      ­  d                                o
            e               ­  t
Dec 2014 · 758
The Cross: A Repost
High atop the spire beneath a cloudless sky
the Cross stands forlorn Christmas is nigh
since long in the past time beyond recall
no bells chime here sung no carol!

But still its heart flutters as it hears the Lord's voice
I carried your burden and set for you the choice
to do this world much good and love your fellow men
be happy in others' happiness take share of their pain!

Kind Lord mutters the Cross men still live for gain
act the way it seems your blood was shed in vain
they war and breed hatred between them raise wall
hanker for pelf and power in their loss they squall!

The church lies abandoned starkly white and bare
only the Cross bows to the Lord in silent prayer
still hoping it's not far away when the bells would ring
the Lord would carry the Cross on his second coming!
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Home Alone
her fingers tenderly feel
the alphabets on the mail
dusty from lying in the letter box

she was away these two months
and now is back to a home
cobwebbed in cold silence

crawls up her eyes
a terrifying tear

this day last year

*he was here
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
The window to the north
When need to be with myself
sets in a lonely mood
mind seeks a space to delve
sink in solitude

I slip to that unused room
where a window to the north
paints a sky of white lily bloom
for dreams to merrily birth!

I fly above the town house tops
up the tallest palm
reach the clouds to touch raindrops
drown in deep calm

whiles pass mind travels eon
far beyond the earth
till lands back to anchor on
the window to the north!
Dec 2014 · 999
as i sat to write a poem
i sat to write a poem
tapped on the key
words turned lame
thoughts mystery

blank blinked the screen
mocked its cleanliness
while the head's din
made mind a mess

i thought of the girl
who gave my eye a cut
the one with a curl
stole my childhood heart

and the ******* her door
i met on way to school
she has grown no more
still gives my heart a pull

the one who ran me down
called me foolish child
the cutest in town
in her love i was wild

one upon one
floated up the face
my poem was undone
unborn undressed
Dec 2014 · 3.4k
Last Boat Home
I take the last boat on the Icchhamati River.

the huddled shadows in the gloam
talk of home
a waiting bed
before climbs the moon overhead.

In little comforts voices bask
amid oars sloshing the night
and  I brood in silence
neath the  northern star

how far is home
how far?
Dec 2014 · 650
Dog December Night
ensconced within the window
induced by night’s flow
and a roof of lipful smile

a dream is buzzing
its contours luring

don’t **** it
don’t ****
forget the fright
the winter’s chill

there’s a crying
one more dying
in the squall
beyond my wall
in this dog December night

come my dreams in full streams
without a grudge
without a budge
erase from my head

there’s a dying out there
without a shade
neath the sky
in the coolest place to die

though my dreams are still bright
still young is the night
beyond my sight
happens the mayhem
witness starlight
in this dog December night

and I just aspire
a night of sleep
beside a fire.
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
My son's wedding
With fingertips
I touch your forehead

my hands bless your head

my heart accepts you for life.

I vow to love you
as I have loved my son.

Welcome home, my daughter.
that says for my absence for a fortnight.
thank you all fellow poets on hp.
my gratitude to Victoria, Rick, Steve, Cristina and Chimaera.
Dec 2014 · 4.7k
there's beauty in silence
except when
it echoes a void.
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
shh! not one word
she says

these last few days
on the silent ride
we've loved more.
love is ever so hard
to  express in words
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
She found me out
not handsome though
luck came my way
she found me out
loved me one day

loved me one day
then one day more
she gave me a place
took me indoor

took me indoor
let me be within
loved me the way
I had never been

I had never been
handsome though
she saw me through
in one go
what's in a look
Nov 2014 · 2.2k

                                ­                              is


             ­ question




Nov 2014 · 1.1k
This clown needs a breather
give me a break
from the seas rough
I greed a bellyache
badly need to laugh!

for too long weathered
a stormy bumpy ride
I need a breather
bare a guffaw wide!

give me a break
give me a break
life is burdened enough

give me a break
not give a heartache
I badly need to laugh!

been too long bowed down
with the pangs of grief
needs himself this clown
a laugh’s relief!

long buzzed this head
with the groans of pain
this heart has bled
time and again!

*give me a break
give me a break
life is burdened enough

give me a break
not give a heartache
I badly need to laugh!
Nov 2014 · 791
Magnetic Theory of Love
the boy was seeking a cute rosy girl
chubby chirpy with a head full of curl
her skin glowing silk cherry red her lip
and yes she should love him real deep.

the girl was seeking a boy with a soul
one with a mind aligned to her pole
he needn’t be handsome but nice within
a boy that wouldn’t love her just for her skin.

you know god’s way of meeting men’s prayer
opposites though they were brought together
the boy loved the girl who was shy and lean
and the girl the boy who wouldn’t look within.

you can easily guess what happened later on
they felt for each other a natural attraction
she gave him her all he loved her from heart
the two poles stayed close to be never apart!
Nov 2014 · 504
No death though is timely
in the trust on sports a breach
a void on the pitch
passes away a flower in full bloom

on the gentle game hangs a gloom.
RIP Phillip Joel Hughes (1988-2014)
Nov 2014 · 716
To My Image
not behind everything is my hand
not everything even I understand
I try to craft from chaos some order
leave some unfinished some on the border.

my home though cosmos I reside within
without being choosy about skin and sin
the good and the bad I have to take along
like I take in my stride all right and wrong.

if you have faith I make some sense
to the faithless I'm just nonsense
so made I'm no grudge can harbor
satan and angel find my favor.

I feel burdened when see the mankind
finding in everything my hidden hand
not realizing if only I had a magic wand
would have made this world an unblemished land.
Nov 2014 · 26.9k
plucks            all                 her

He                                         privacy

She                              moans
Nov 2014 · 875
Wise and Other-wise
a piece of cheese in the caged house
smells so fine walks in the mouse
when in hunger in the need of food
it stops not to ponder if it should.

a billion mouse and most think straight
not breaking head on cause and effect
live by the meals and between the breath
not balding in the fantasy if god is a myth.

happy they aren’t like a few other-wise
brooding contemplating what’s lying in disguise
but just being mouse salivating on the food
without morals or scruples of should not and should.

when hungry craves food some sleep and rest
never bothering if their life is a complete waste
if you think detachedly of the wise and the mouse
it would seem both cohabiting the same caged house.
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
Beside you walks a woman
poems flow like rivers in tide
when she’s by your side
and reclines a November afternoon
on the back of the crescent moon!

you tell her stories only for her made
as the birds their weary wings spread
when her face is west borrowed red
and you grab the last flickers before they fade!

you don’t talk of love but companionship
as night wears on and comes not sleep
the mangrove smells of long dead shells
with returning tide the river swells!

beside you walks a woman in your mist of tears
a face you hadn’t seen over all these years
she’s the woman you wonder if you ever knew
a companion a lover one dream forever new!
Nov 2014 · 543
A name on the tree
more rings added to it
must have grown in height
towering for skylight
the tree is there all right.

on its age worn bark
upon the darkened stem
my nails scrap and search
if is there her name.

I etched it within a heart
her name a small sweet word
times have drawn us apart
forgetting seems so hard.

knew would wither that moment
on the bark would remain my write
warm in its place permanent
reminiscing in the depth of night.

there’s no trace of that word
but in the languor of pain
forgetting seems so hard
this heart can’t weather her name.
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Who murdered Mathilda?
Mathilda is brutally murdered
Udolph is the obvious suspect
remembers everyone how she jilted him
David her last lover is inconsolable
Evan’s appearance raises suspicion
right before the ****** he met her
Ergot the butler had seen him going out
Rocky was with him could be an accomplice
Inspector Brown finds it a tough case
so many suspects but all with good alibi
Dr. Thomas isn’t sure about the cause of death
autopsy is necessary for the confirmation
visible though are the abrasions on her neck
Inspector Brown interrogates all the suspects
dogs are brought to find smells of trails.
the answer is hidden in the write itself.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
On the river
slosh of oars
ripples the night
of tremulous moons

the nightjar soars
on silver light
a sad tune croons!

tides up swell
lap the wood
in ceaseless kiss

moon grows pale
in deep brood
of broken wish

the misty haze
spells the core
spins a dream

mind in daze
forgets shore
drifts upstream!
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
When you lose a part of you
silent is the mourning
when crying seems inadequate
for the hurt.
Nov 2014 · 486
Now determined in this conclusion

*I won't take anymore sermon.
Nov 2014 · 700
On the wood apple tree
The ghostess was his hostess
in that wood apple tree
she flirted and she caressed
he was tickled merrily!

In the moonlight fought a mock fight
her nails she dug on him
he hugged her with all might
her bony frame quite slim!

He was bolder as he told her
where had you been all life
wooed her in whisper
would have made you my wife!

Her eyes then smoked in pain
trembled her voice
there wasn't a you among the men
I had little choice!

Two hollow face loved breathless
kisses floated in thin air
lone night owl stood witness
to the two souls laid bare!
Nov 2014 · 3.1k
From Market
A kilo of fish brinjal pumpkin
Cauliflower raisin and bean
Washing soap and eggs one crate
Need to buy bring from market!

Mustard oil some milk and rice
Cashew nut and a horde of spice
Gourd and potato spinach cabbage
The list is long fills a page!

Feel confused from where to start
How to pile and stack on a cart
Shoeshine cream to adhesive glue
All calculations and maths to do!

Ticked what’s got unticked what’s not
Cash dwindles with much unbought
Trudge back home in sweated daze
She checks items and fumes in rage!
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
An Old Shirt
on the back numerous hole
quite a few too on the chest
still it clings to my soul
I think it fits me best.

says my flummoxed wife
you’re a miser hopeless
holding on a rag for life
bringing yourself disgrace.

I feign not to hear and shrug
clutching it more to my heart
feeling warm cosy in its hug
my friend the many years’ shirt.

on it lie rivers of sweat
joy and sorrow’s tear stains
time’s all burden of weight
gloomy and dark hours’ pains.

a mere cloth and I find it so hard
to throw it and part our ways
wonder how humans discard
relations grown over years.
Nov 2014 · 540
Days of childhood
be happy
the days you are here

before they disappear.
Nov 2014 · 977
Barn's Smell
village girl pillage mind on the first sight
hazel eyes gazelle runs hair dark night

barn’s smell holds tale fathomless deep
flutters heart falls apart resolves fast slip

she knows it my heartbeats quicken for her
in love glow paint rainbow on day sky a star

she can catch as I watch slavish eyes’ plead
more than me it is she can my dreams read

but wouldn’t bend have me lent one little kiss
honor ******* her guard not let me do as please

she soon fades stays in head lives carefree
ever far upon a star sweetest memory.
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