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Nov 2015 · 323
2 followers Nov 2015
My home is just a beaten path,
Full of twist and turns,
Beaten and trodden on,
Desolate and lonely,
So very quiet,
Quite dark,
Oct 2015 · 282
Hold Me
2 followers Oct 2015
Hold me
Hold me close

Feeling so scared

Hold me close

Until it doesn't hurt

I can't fake it

I'm crying

Slowly losing my mind

Hold me close

Listen to my dreams die

See my eye dim

Touch my scars

Taste the tears on my face

Why don't you hold me anymore

I'm so alone

So scared

I'm crying

No one holds me anymore
Oct 2015 · 453
Start looking at the world
2 followers Oct 2015
I'm to distracted to see

All the pain of the world

To caught up

In my social media

Busy posting on Twitter

Taking a selfie for Instagram

I don't even notice

All the starving children

The injustice of the world

In front of my eyes

The trees are disappearing

Except my eyes are on the phone

Not the world

I guess the world

Will have to wait

Until I decide

To stop looking at the phone

And start looking at the world
Oct 2015 · 313
2 followers Oct 2015
Tears run down my face
For my friend
Who sent me her suicide note
She was only twelve
Hatred seems to ignore age
Surrounding her
In a toxic environment
That she calls "home"
Slit her wrists
Escaped the hatred
Left the toxic air
The hatred stayed
She didn't
Oct 2015 · 438
2 followers Oct 2015
Skinny body
Thin fingers
Sitting on a little stool
Working all day
Weaving all night
Until he ran
All the way to America
The fight wasn't done yet
Rode back to Pakistan
Spoke one last time
Before he was shot
A resounding gun shot
Killing a boy
Trying to save other
Skinny bodies
That had to weave
With thin fingers
This is about Iqbal Masih who fought against abusive child labor until he died when he was 12.
Oct 2015 · 2.7k
2 followers Oct 2015
Pen scratches the paper
Paper flutters in the breezes
Voice shouts
Suddenly a gun fires
The Taliban have their guns
In my hand I have my pen
On my desk I have my paper
Loudly my voice speaks up
Go ahead
Shoot me
I won't stop fighting
You can take my pen
Take this paper from my hands
You won't take my voice though
This poem is about a exceptional girl named  Malala Yousafzai
Oct 2015 · 450
2 followers Oct 2015
Pretty little bird

Sing your song

In your tree

Sheltered from the world

Sing pretty bird


Fly little bird

Fly as fast as you can

They're looking for you

Following your song


Bye little bird

Falling down

Singing no more

You weren't fast enough

The gun was though

— The End —