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325 · Mar 2021
Still happened
Charis Mar 2021
In the end
No one will be here
and memories of being human
Will fade
But the things we do,
Still happen
And even though no one will remember
Maybe it's enough
That it happened
239 · Feb 2021
Ignorance is Bliss
Charis Feb 2021
Blindness to the lies
Ignorance to the truth
Always now a part of me dies
Here now have I lost my youth

See the burning light
Feel the warmth of rage
Watch the fire in the dead of night
That burn doesn't die with age
99 · Feb 2021
Often times
Charis Feb 2021
The greatest speeches
Are oftentimes
The shortest
89 · Feb 2021
How high
Charis Feb 2021
Everybody peaks at some point
At a high point in one's life
We seem to worry about when we peak
and not how high

Look around you
At every mountain and cliff
But it seems
There are a lot more hills than mountains
89 · Feb 2021
I am a war
Charis Feb 2021
I am a war
We are full of bombs
waiting to explode
It seems that minds never believe eyes
and heads are yelling at mouths

Brains only fight in civil wars
That is why it is split into two

Hearts lose every battle they are in
For, they never know what they want
and only know how to surrender

I fear that by the time that

The bombs explode...
The brain learns to surrender...
The heart learns to fight...

It will be too late
76 · Feb 2021
Winter Lilies
Charis Feb 2021
Walk through a winter wonderland
Without a thought or care
The world is under a coat of white
There's a scent of Lillies in the air

Silent this land is
So calm I should say a prayer
To show my gratitude for this land
There's a scent of Lillies in the air

Walk away from the road
To a place, I don't know where
I have to walk into the unknown
There's a scent of mint in the air

I think every thought I can
wonder what is wrong and what is fair
think about the land around me
There's a scent of leaves in the air

Contemplate everything around
Every little thing I am aware
Nothing makes sense at all
There's a scent of dirt in the air

My head throbs like a heartbeat
The world begins to look square
It all seems to be a blend of time
There's a scent of smoke in the air

There is only dry cold land
This is a place of despair
I can't hear my own cries
There's a scent of blood in the air

Every thought seems to **** a little more
A tangled web of beliefs I can't repair
The ground and sky have begun to spin
There's a scent of death in the air

The thoughts keep spinning
They grow, tangle, and ****
All I want to do is scream
Madness spreads all through my head

There's a scent of Lilies in the air

— The End —