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Oct 2009 · 1.2k
Poet Annonmous Oct 2009
I feel wierd
letting you know
how much i care,
or the fact that i-
miss you more than anything
and i wish i were there.

Its different how i trust you
no matter how far
you are
and funny
how i still think of you
when i see a shooting star.
Maybe its better
not seeing you all the time
Maybe ill appreciate you more
and you;ll always be on my mind

Its so hard missing you
as much as i do
so sad that i cant kis or hold you

I want to cry until-
my tears form a river
that will lead me to you....
Oct 2009 · 778
Man of my dreams
Poet Annonmous Oct 2009
you're the man
i see in my dreams
my prince charming
who makes me weak
in the knees
you're the angel
i prayed for God to send
The only one who can help
my broken heart mend
youre my wish
that finally came true
So please dont blame me
for falling in love with you!
Oct 2009 · 1.6k
Poet Annonmous Oct 2009
Everyday lies
another one cries
heartbroken and
wanting to die
words softly spoken
while taking hearts
as your tokens
leaving you satisfied
As you get older
your heart's getting colder
slit wrists
from the lies you told her
Hope youre satisfied!
Sep 2009 · 649
Love is Pain
Poet Annonmous Sep 2009
Love is pain
it's that feeling
you just cant explain
its turning off the lights
so you can cry all alone
like walking through the door
but nobody is home
It makes you hapy
just to bring you back down
you want him to hold you
but hes never around
your holding your pillow
pretending its him
its like this cray game
that you can never win
Going outside and seeing
nothing but rain
you cant stand it any longer
cant stand this pain
you always wished for love
but now that its here
you just want it gone
so you can dry the
last little tear
but it will never leave you
not until its done
breaking your heart slowly
until it turns numb.

— The End —