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star Feb 2019
my fingertips
stained red
trying to paint a future for us
why'd you have to leave
-broken promises
star Feb 2019
this ring
made of gold and surreal fantasies
a bridge between two worlds
till death do us part
sits before me
an eternal promise at my fingertips
here I go
about to fall into forever
-my vow
star Feb 2019
the color of the anger running through your veins
the color of violence your hands possess
the color of sin
the color of passion oozing from your soul
the color of love and war
star Jan 2019
the sun and the moon waltz in the twinkling sky
frolicking with the comets
flirting with the stars
leaping past the planets
where time is timeless
they twirl and prance
soaring through the heavens
-polina norris
star Jan 2019
her voice
soft as silk
the light strum of a guitar
or the sound of a pastel sunrise
peeking past the horizon
-polina norris

— The End —