birth my dreams turn my shadow into firing flash anoint me in gold
mwanamke say my name warm my wings in the shell of your hands
patient grinder time carer you grow silence in the lit wood in the cradling lull
emakumea i forget unaware i walk ahead emakumea you accept to linger
i am no more the scout the hunter i dream of my gold you throw into the fire what's left from your feathers
mirror for me the story of then be my water flow
nārī this tide in your eyes nārī* is it the intangible you
1. An EKPHRASIS "In ancient Greece, the term "ekphrasis" referred to a work of art in one medium that was produced as a reaction to a piece of art created in another medium. For example, a sculpture may depict a character in a novel, or a poem may describe a well-known painting." [in poetry prompt from Poets&;]
2. this ehphrasis is a reaction to the sculpture Woman of Willendorf (about 28,000 and 25,000 BCE); see IMAGE here:
3. WOMAN in different languages: ESPERANTO - virino; BASQ - emakumea; SUAÍLI - mwanamke; MONGOL - emegtei; BENGALI - Nārī