It's like a distant call of a well known ghost. Change breath's heavy apon the wind. She yerns to know the other end of rejection.
Two broke souls rich in the passion of a uncertin day. No money can touch that excitment of just what comes next. Sweet mercey we exist on a favor we cant repay.
A old radio and room no bigger than postage stamp. ***** windows give the best moonlit visions indeed. Five star dream's I'll take a greezy burger and cold beer my hand inbetween her thighs.
Her eye's speak the direction we shall take. A devilish grin a twisted snake of plessure leading to a old bed's dusty retreat.
But millions can't taste this moment. Inside her plessure I grasp a key turned towards the locked vessel to which she does give.
My nights are rich in splendor. And a endless river in thought.