At seventeen I stepped out of the cloud and into a clearer knowledge; an atypical viewpoint skewed by my heritage and stubborn willingness to always be right.
Some kind of British tolerance has kept me from howling 'injustice!' in the streets, whilst some idiotic notion of love or truth presides, to keep me invested in this life.
With knowledge comes the weight of knowing and it wore my shoulder down to a chip, causing me to walk in hurried strides in order to keep balance, to make my way.
With clarity comes a more potent love; all features and laughter amplified to make you forget the sound of silence, until you cannot deal with its return.
Some kind of solace has been found in reducing life's events to a plot device, whilst some irreducible desire causes me to wake, to persist with a purpose.
At twenty-three I found that better sight only illuminates the complexity of existence, the fractal nature of the developing foetus; echoes of evolution: a better self each day.
I lost my job today. Turned to poetry as usual but didn't feel like lamenting everything that has happened. A few months ago, I probably would have given up and had another breakdown. This isn't my best poem, but I hope there's something in there for someone...somewhere!