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Dec 2014
I don't know why she feels alone,
I've never really understood.
She fills a room with a quip and smile,
The way no other could.

I don't know why she cries at night,
Or why laughter is so rare.
If only she knew that the very sound,
Locks me in the moment, then and there.

I don't know why she lies to me,
Always saying that things are okay.
She doesn't see that I'd do anything,
To bring happiness to her day.

I don't know why her pen falls,
From hands so shaking and cold.
When once before she wrote the world,
Carving joy in words so bold.

I don't know why she feels the need,
To put herself through pain.
Why she can't stand to sleep it off,
When she cries over him again.

I don't know who she is,
I don't know why she does.
I don't know when she went,
I only know who she was.
Nathaniel Brenner
Written by
Nathaniel Brenner  Missouri
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