what would you say, if on your very last day they got your order wrong, at McDonald’s and when you told the pimpled faced nihilist you asked for no pickles on your Big Mac (!) he stared at you through two gray sockets that floated on his face, like the eyes of time
what would you think, if on your very last day conjoined twins were born in Siberia and one would be deaf , the other left to listen for both for eternity, and feel the black swell of loneliness, even with blood of a brother coursing through his veins
what would you do, if on your very last day you could buy more time to create useless rhyme and it would only cost… ten cents
what would you know, if during the veil of night, your heart skipped a few beats, then thumped a final time, while you were still dreaming of a dance, under a gleaming sun, and cherished daylight never to come
Still plagued by writers block--thought of this in the shower this morning. It never did get where I wanted it to go.