you have to had been there when I was listening to a certain song.... count one two three one two three war/ming ( F,2.3.F 2,3) bree/zes (up A.-3 down E-3) blow through the trees (F-G-A-F 2) to (high F) greet me (down to C, C 2=3) on our (up D 3, down A 3) porch swing (up C 3, down A 3) meet me (F-G-) out there (A-F ) tonight. ( D-F)
well you have to count 123,123 and the letters are the notes, up or down...
we'll sing favorites like when we ripped a chorus I do love them and better in your own words
tell me stories that I will keep in my notebook I do love them promise I always will.
Hold me closely into the evening hours we will sit and rock to the beats and blues
warrrming breeeezes blow through the trees to greet me on our porch swing meet me out there tonight
If you won't be able to come out to meet me I'll be waiting even as if you are