It grows slowly with nothing but time It sprouts and grows with thorns to protect it
It gives birth to leaves with bulbs in protection It then blossoms and shows it signs of beauty
They are then past out to show signs of beauty They come from your heart with love and affection
We then just sometimes let them wither away Because my feelings were gone
I let mine almost die in front of my house I looked at it and cried
I then nurtured it, clipped it, water it, talked to it I told it that it could be beautiful again I cared for it daily
It then begin to show signs of life Thorns again, bulbs blossoming Roses of beauty shining brightly In every color imaginable
I then passed them out to strangers they smiled and said thank you
I gave them to friends and they said why I say it’s because I care for you
Their signs of beauty, signs of love sign of affection
How it pertains to my life. When I was young i brought joy and love to my family who protected me. I then became addicted to opiates, which killed me inside. I felt i was left to die. But the people that cared helped me and now i show them love and affection once again.
Never think it's over as I once did. We can all Change.