It was the last thing you expected but it was the last thing that brought you down down down. It was the last thing you expected but you'd been living on the edge for quite some time n' now you find yourself living on your last dime dime dime. And all your guru's, and your saints they're all just a memory that's barely faint n' now you're living a life that feels so unkind/Yeah, you owe the man that owns your time/working through the day with little food n' little pay/
n' you remember when you were young oh, how you laughed oh, how you sung /you never thought you'd end up this way n' that you would have to pay just to breathe in simple air/Yeah - you were taught that life was fair/ when you see how others steal just to score their next big deal n' you did everything that was right yeah, you gave it your best fight..
It was the last thing to take you down down down... Now that you're no longer round they're making a killing off your rings/all your jewelry/books n' things
They've cashed in on everything that you owned/that you ever cherished/they've now sold
They're now the proud owners of all your gold,
What a pity you didn't know before you decided to up n' go.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove Dec 16, 2014