On occasion, I have been driven to acts of extreme nonviolence by those who have expected the opposite of me
There is nothing quite like the sound of a father's dismay at his son who refuses to strike him despite his deepest wishes,
Or the relief in a girl's voice after promising, without her asking, to never abuse her.
I think something is wrong with me. For I am only violent in my music. Is grunge what life is suppose to feel like?
Is that what my best friend hears every day he shuffles past loose bottles and snapped belts to crawl into bed, hoping to not distrub the presence which gave him life? A presence still snoring out the whimpers of his little brother?
Did my dad hear bass tabs when he told his abused siblings that "there ain't no way I'mma treat my children like he did us?" I wonder, does he still hear them?
Are howls and chords what the boys in bathroom stalls playgrounds hallways classrooms my bedroom my porch my basement hear when they make me taste the ground?
Can the violence of soundwaves really be mistaken for the passage of time? Does life truly deserve a Grammy for Best Harrowing Performance?
Is life really just one big mosh pit?
On occasion I have been driven to acts of extreme forgiveness by those who deserved only a little
All they had to do was ask and that is what scared them