The boy who is afraid of heights Takes orders through a metal box And once he grew his hair out into Those dark curls I despise He found all the ways to haunt my daydreams and nightmares alike
The skinny boy with glasses Got contacts a year later He swims for miles and miles And searches inside himself for the truth of whose hand to hold Although the he once held mine every day
The boy with dark skin and lovely laughter Will probably never grow up He will probably always search for a girl's approval And will continually lose that girl in the end But he will be sure to make her smile
The boy who carved a cross into his skin He thought he understood me and could fix me But he could barely understand himself And he barely hugged me Even though he wanted to
The boy who plays bass Will probably never be my boyfriend But he's done more for me than all of them Combined He makes me question reality, love, life, myself He jokes around with me and keeps me honest He holds my hand and lets me cry and makes me laugh He urges me to go on and to be happy And he will always be there to do so