Well, here we are: stuck in the ambivalent winds of our landlocked state.
Warm mornings without warning curse us with cold before the clock tower strikes four times.
The landlocked people dressed for warmth then scurried for shelter as the chill seeped into their bones. Fearing cold they hide their brains safe from love, safe from pain. It's like they don't even know to just wait five minutes. It'll all be different in five minutes.
In five minutes there will be time Time for floods and droughts ice and flash fires infinite wrath, infinite despair.
Trust in Oklahoma means to stand on a faulty bridge and fain stability.
Looking West in Oklahoma means absolutely nothing There is flat in all directions.
And so, here we are: landlocked lovers amid a complacent population.
Let us not trust weather, it can not make up its mind. Let us not trust the wilted Mistletoe the only flowers I need are in your eyes. Let us not fear the cold or the heat in five minutes there will still be time to blanket ourselves in warmth or strip ourselves bare in the devious Sun.