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Feb 2011
just because I didn't say hello doesn't mean I'm rude

just because my clothes are off doesn't make me ****

just because I wasn't listening doesn't mean I didn't care

just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I wasn't there

just because I yelled doesn't mean I was mad

just because I said I love you doesn't mean your the only love I ever had

just because I can beat you down it doesn't give me the right

just because I came in for a night cap doesn't mean I'd spend the night

just because I can make a promise I don't intend to keep doesn't mean I should

just because I've been bad doesn't mean I can't be good

just because you say you love me doesn't mean I know it

just because I wrote a poem it doesn't mean I'm a poet
copyright/Viper 2011
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