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g clair
Dec 2014
this is not the happy kind
the sort I love to write
but sadness grips my heart today,
it started off last night
when something struck my giddy gush
an unexpected blow
and different from the season's rush
as valleys come and go
it wasn't just one story but
a few which took me down
plus I've been sick for o'er a week
from something going around
and also tired from lack of sleep
and slightly in the bag
since feeling low I thought I'd have
some wine to calm the hag
and as I coughed and looked around
I realized my plight
that while I try to Christmas up
the Lord seems out of sight
and while this whole thing happened
I was reading through the news
I won't say which but here's the hitch
It threw me to the blues
for many folks at Christmas time
it's common to be sad
depression gets them every time
to some it's pretty bad
the sorrow from the things I read
which happened yesterday
like icing on this yuletide cake
the slice which came my way
the tears I cried came heavily
as I could empathize
with folks who're crushed by misery
when some dear loved one dies
in accident or incident involving evil plan
to hurt and **** by their own will
I'll never understand!
But God if you can hear my sobs
I feel so far away
will you please meet me in the depths
It's dark down here today
I know that you came years ago
and I do know the cost
but why not intervene again
and save these which were lost?
and did you take them home with you?
and are they alright now?
can you comfort those of us
left standing here somehow?
I hope that you can hear me
for I know you took the fall
on Calvary, so long ago
yet raised to life for all
that those who should believe in you
would also live that day
forgiven by the Son of man who
wipes our tears away
I pray for those now crying
feeling heavy in the heart
as if their God is vacant
while their lives are torn apart
please comfort all who weep
and groan in agony today
and bring a peace beyond that which
we understand, I pray.
Written by
g clair
My name is a lie
vamsi sai mohan
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