On some verdant green hill far away in cute little Palestine of old Before the Israelis marched in and bunged out the owners Jesus was hanging about on the cross not feeling too happy I suppose he was dying for you and me because his Dad was asleep And he doesn't care if you are a ****** or a giant or a fatty or a fairy! Yessir! He loves everyone unequivocally provided they praise him endlessly And receive him in their souls and sing him a load of ****** hymns!
But if you don't receive the LORD and reject the words of the EVIL ONE He (God) will crush you totally and utterly like a blue-tailed fly Squatting on a well-used and ill-cleaned second-hand lavatory brush Without any exception whatsoever even if you are an ugly fat dwarf As He don't hold with no discrimination nor positive action no way! So get down on your knees (a shorter journey for amputees with stumps) And get praying to THE LORD without blinking twice. Yeeha! Amen!