The summoning, when it came, I answered with whale song of my own And all the water between did not distort the sound, the resonance Of tuning forks at the same pitch, that offended most ears who heard them Most did not; instead held cupped hands to their heads and heard only The rush of their OWN beats and the flat la la las of no desire to interpret those alien sounds The ocean floor held hidden things, broken by time and the wash of happenings that cracked and buried them, both And in the shatterings of these brittle things I showed you neon fish Darting through the ruined holes of ancient amphora, making playgrounds of their ruin I showed you scrolls with ancient learnings, written in ink that proved indelible And the meanings; I knew enough to draw a map with some destinations Yet the road was only a suggestion of words I could not grasp, their translation lost in years of forgetting how I asked you once, I am certain, in syllables that almost made my words If anything could be formed from shards; you had no answer, I Knew that all of the breakings shone back a whole in each, my Me reflected a thousandfold, not broken but in pieces