I see old words But have forgotten who they were for I know of old flames But cannot remember a thing about them However, I do remember what I used to be like Every scar, every tear, every single thing But I am Not that person anymore No, I'm not the person I was before I have her memories, the effects of her tragedy but not the weight of it All of that pain is gone and in turn so is what I became because of all of that pain So no, I'm not that person nor do I plan to Ever be again
I do not hide anymore For I have no fears I do not cower For my enemies have no power anymore I do not put on a mask Because to Me, I'm Perfect And I have a man who Loves All of me He does not only Compliment me But he also Complements me Without him, I would be whole but my life would not be anywhere near as Spectacular as it is with him.