You will not be fully complete, until your finish your task So accept your inevitable defeat, with no questions to ask Don't try fate's hand and cheat, or try to hide behind a mask And receive thy promised treat, in all the glory one can bask
Follow in line and blend in just like a sheep Robotic creatures of habit Find some nice shade under a tree and sleep Lazy features of the rabbit
Hedonistic Pleasure slaves, so addicted to that extraordinary feeling Chasing immaculate waves, and the earth's almighty natural healing The need to purchase everything that one possibly craves Running time into the ground right up to our very graves
Nothing will stop them as they use everything they can muster Blinded by the diamond's perfectly glorious omnipotent shine Left with nowhere to turn once the new toy's lost all it's luster Reminded of your wasteful ways, now's time to seek the divine
If only you had saved some money and perhaps bought a clue Everything you really needed was always right in front of you But here I'll offer it free of charge, just like an ordained preacher A licensed life student at large, today I've chose to be the teacher
So question everything and anyone at every cost and measure Don't waste time chasing your tail and each and every treasure It's not about the temporary pose for a picture or what's on the surface It's about what nobody truly knows, the will to live and learn purpose