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Dec 2014
I don’t think you’re still listening
I feel as though you stopped caring
I’m not trying to be an annoyance
I’m not trying to be a noose
I try to be strong
So no one notices I’m weak
And maybe
When I do eventually cave in
Someone might come looking for me
Someone might care
For now
I’ll put on a happy face
I’ll act as though I care
When deep down inside
I’m cold as ice
Thick as a tree
So when I do melt
So when I do fall down
Someone will see
Someone might notice
I don’t want to be a burden
I only want to spread life
So when I do disappear
When I do break apart
Someone might find me
Someone might help me
Until then
I guess no one will see
I started rambling before I even started this poem so idk, i needed to vent and if you didn't pick up what i was putting down, i don't think anyone cares anymore/i don't want to talk about this ******* anymore so now you lovely people get a peak at it. okay bye love you
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