He walks gracefully like the sun You can not help but marvel at the sight of the tufts dancing on his forehead His countenance pierces into your ***** and tickles your insides unmercifully The ebony stars in the highest kingdom long for his attention, with him, there is no compromise, either he faces your dirges aptly and revives the bits of what-so-called hope, or he does not look at you at all. No, you would not understand unless you see him, but beware the maze of his eyes, for I tell you.. My placid atoms rest like ember and every bit I have left of pride declares its obeisance. His outburst of loud laughter makes the goddess of beauty mutter out of envy, and the distorted harmonies of my own seek refuge in between his eyelids, like the diffused light rays run into the twilight zone. But listen, love out of all that you are, all the sacred paeans chanted by your name, all the symphonies that you dress in, the land within your ring, the silence you stand amidst, all the birds, the tunes, the melodies, all the chocking sounds and all the ominous insecurities, all the serene electric waves, all this bafflement I could not comprehend nor the seraphs would comprehend Out of all that you are all what you are is the annihilation of a bullet that leaves pansies where it's shot.