I had a visitor, At mid-night. Into my room, He crept. Silently-Sleathily.
A spectator, Behind the light. Over my bed, He stood. Sneering-Grinning.
What comes next, Is a melange of emotions. A blend of terror and bliss. He climbed on top of me. Like on a saddle. His cold hands grasping on my neck. I tried to fight him back. But as I was choking, He looked at me with the saddest eyes. And I felt remorse. I stopped. I let him took control. He kissed me with lips so coarse. He reeked of stale cigarettes. With a hint of cheap scotch. I laid there. And into my dreams I escaped. I woke up at 3a.m. My hair slightly unkempted. My bed, a mess. And my blankets astray. The dampness on my forehead. Was it a dream I had? Surreal and yet so real.
I wondered. No traces. No evidence. My mid-night visitor, Will be a mystery. I thought.
But, you see, I became curiouser and curiouser. So, I looked it up. I was visited by an Incubus.