he slipped his fingers through the crack in the door looked around behind his shoulder he shifted his eyes side to side someone should have told him they noticed he brought his knee up to his chin or his chin down to his knee and with that, cracked the door and slipped out locking the door behind him he thought he locked his mind the warmth still pulsed behind him and he heard the baby cry his ******* lingered behind him on the **** come on, come on my man come on
he was taught to keep his eyes wide open never narrow his glance for that which he might miss and for that he lived a fallacy with that woman he lived just for her breath until his own paled in comparison people lie when they say he left because of the times that he is a summation of statistic because he left for what he was taught a gross misunderstanding of generations of disfigured parables which left him rewired and not suited for this life or any life poor husk
but his fingers fell away from the **** and he ran so far that the world wept his feet bloodied when people asked where he was from there were moments of clearness and he felt his time was not wasted but it was impossible to know it he could see things like no one else and it was his job to write them down and so he did until his fingers crumbled
time got by time got in the way shoved down his throat he gurgled and spit up his shame it burned a hole in his belly until he could stomach it no more and threw up a map he stared at its edges in his calloused hands and he knew the place, his next destination he followed it back a path which burned with every retraced step and the world wept but this time for a different reason his ******* found the familiar **** he looked around behind his shoulder he shifted his eyes from side to side slipped his fingers through the crack and stepped inside someone should have told him they noticed
he's staring at the bottom of a boot he can feel his lower teeth stuck through his lip and he wants to cry out my baby boy he lowered his head and for the first time felt what he had done